WebGL 2D Rendering with PixiJS
Ego Slide
( we have slack! )
Really Fast Rendering
WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins
With WebGL you can build very cool applications...
So why does no one use this API?
function buffer(node) {
var minNodeX = node.minX;
var minNodeY = node.minY;
var minNodeZ = node.minZ;
var nodeSize = node.blockSize;
var array = node.buffer;
// Get mins and maxes in node space.
var min2_x = Math.max(min_x - minNodeX, 0);
var max2_x = Math.min(max_x - minNodeX, nodeSize);
var min2_y = Math.max(min_y - minNodeY, 0);
var max2_y = Math.min(max_y - minNodeY, nodeSize);
var min2_z = Math.max(min_z - minNodeZ, 0);
var max2_z = Math.min(max_z - minNodeZ, nodeSize);
for (var z = min2_z; z < max2_z; ++z) {
var z_offset = nodeSize * nodeSize * z;
var fz = minNodeZ + z - ballz;
var fz2 = fz * fz;
for (var y = min2_y; y < max2_y; ++y) {
var y_offset = z_offset + nodeSize * y;
var fy = minNodeY + y - bally;
var fy2 = fy * fy;
for (var x = min2_x; x < max2_x; ++x) {
var fx = minNodeX + x - ballx;
var fx2 = fx * fx;
var dist = Math.sqrt(fx2 + fy2 + fz2);
var val = Math.pow(dist / radius, 2.0);
array[y_offset + x] *= Math.max(Math.min(val, 1.0), 0.0);
if (min2_x < max2_x && min2_y < max2_y && min2_z < max2_z) {
node.dirty = true;
tree.walkSubTree(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z, uniform, buffer);
//tree.walkTree(uniform, buffer);