We start at Gleisdreieck park, 9 am
Mindful Urban Hike
Put your phone into airplane mode.
Decide not to talk to the others.
1. Be aware of your breathing
Is it regular or irregular, deep or shallow?
2. Be aware of your body
Feel your connection to the ground. Close your eyes and bend your knees slightly. Let your arms hang loosely. Relax your shoulders, head and face. Release any tension in the body with your outbreaths.
3. Be aware of your mind
To quieten your mind, be aware of its activity. Listen to its ramblings. What are the contents of your thoughts? Are some feelings more prevalent than others?
Walking meditation is practicing meditation while walking. It can bring you joy and peace while you practice it. Take short steps in complete relaxation; go slowly with a smile on your lips, with your heart open to an experience of peace. You can feel truly at ease with yourself. Your steps can be those of the healthiest, most secure person on earth. All sorrows and worries can drop away while you are walking. To have peace of mind, to attain self-liberation, learn to walk in this way. It is not difficult. You can do it. Anyone can do it who has some degree of mindfulness and a true intention to be happy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Start 9 am, final review 10:30 am at Leipziger Platz
7 Leipziger Platz
6 Potsdamer Platz
5 Urban Park, Richard Rogers vs. Giorgio Grassi
4 IBA O.M.Ungers
3 Student hostel 1978
2 Landwehr canal
1 Gleisdreieck Park
Spend time with details, feel into spaces, sense the layers of the past
Observe your thoughts, feelings, actions and what’s happening around you. Accept these experiences, whether good, bad or neutral.
Notice how your feelings and moods change in different situations:
park, water, street, different types of buildings and urban spaces.
Once you understand an impression, you can articulate it by taking a photo, sketching or writing a note.
You can share an impression at the final review at 10.30 am on Leipziger Platz, if you like.
Friedrichstadt (1730) grid plan and three plazas as gates to the city
Dog's head: S-Bahn ring linking the terminals
Leipziger Platz
Walk along Hafenplatz and turn left to Dessauerstr. 13 and cross the courtyard of IBA Block 6 diagonally
5.1 Richard Rogers
Linkstrasse seen from Tilla-Durieux-Park
5.2 Giorgio Grassi
Park-Kolonnaden seen from Tilla-Durieux-Park
6 Renzo Piano, Hans Kollhoff, Helmut Jahn
Potsdamer Platz is the junction leading to Leipziger Platz
7 Leipziger Platz, Leipziger Strasse
(c) rbb
Further types of urban spaces
Arkaden: covered street
SONY: covered plaza
Marlene Dietrich Platz
Alte Potsdamer Strasse