Pure JS (JavaScript) | JS + Py Server | Pure Py - Jupyter | JS + Pyodide | |
Pros | - strong interactive - high customizable UI - easy distribution |
- strong interactive - high customizable UI - extensibility (any Python package) |
fast prototyping | - strong interactive - high customizable UI - easy distribution - scientific Python stack & any Python wheel package installable - offload Python server CPU loading (serverless) |
Cons | - possibly no suitable JS data/scientific libraries - JS libraries may have different implementations with Python's |
- heavier: more effort on data move, API and distribution | - download size (30~150MB) - downloading + loading time (3~4s) - Python in WebAssembly is slower than local Python, using NumPy to speed up for compensation |
So I tried to switch to use Pyodide with Pydicom lib
JavaScript can access Python objects, methods, and functions
Python can access JavaScript objects, methods, and functions
Python Packages:
Pyodide package: Scientific stack:, e.g. NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy, and scikit-learn, etc.
any pure Python wheel
web worker compatible
Not support yet
native Python web: urllib.request /http.client. Instead, use JavaScript XMLHttpRequest/fetch in Python
Need effort
import your own Python files one by one
config interactive debugger
import js
div = js.document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = "<h1>This element was created from Python</h1>"
Even Python can operate HTML DOM via JavaScript: append text example
download Pyodide main js from URL or *NPM
<!-- <script src="pyodide/pyodide.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/dev/full/pyodide.js"></script> -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.18.1/full/pyodide.js"></script>
load Pyodide main WebAssembly build:
/* download followings
package.json, pyodide.asm.data, pyodide.asm.js, distutils.js, distutils.data */
// use globalThis.pyodide or local variable
const pyodide = await loadPyodide({ indexURL: baseURL + "pyodide/" });
// OR
// execute `npm install pyodide` first, then
const pyodide_pkg = await import("pyodide/pyodide.js");
// OR use pyodide_pkg from npm
const pyodide = await pyodide_pkg.loadPyodide({
indexURL: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.18.1/full/",
load Pyodide python packages imported in your Python code
// it will download pillow.js pillow.data
await pyodide.loadPackagesFromImports(pythonCode);
run Python code: "hello world" will be printed in your browser console,
then return value to JavaScript
const pythonVer = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(pythonCode);
console.log(pythonVer) // 3.9.5 (default, Sep 16 2021, 15:37:13)...
get your Python scripts, either embed them in JavaScript string
const pythonScript = `
from PIL import Image
import micropip
await micropip.install('pydicom') # install wheel package. could be self hosted wheel url
print("hello world")
import sys
or put them in external .py file(s), then fetch
// if omit "https://localhost://"" means fetching from same original
const url = 'python/hello_world.py'
const pythonCode = await (await fetch(url)).text();
Pyodide is working as REPL or Jupyter, once it's loaded, the added script can load previous memory
# Python_code_1
num = 1
# Python_code_2
print(num) # 1
num += 1
num # 2
/* JS_1 */
const num = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(python_code_1);
console.log(num); // 1
/* JS_2 */
const num = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(python_code_2);
console.log(num); // 2
Convert Python objects
immutable object:
int, float, str, bool, None (->undefined) -> memory copied to JS value
tuple, bytes/bytearray -> PyProxy object in JS
mutable object: function, dict, set, your own class, etc -> PyProxy
Access ways
get PyProxy/value from pyodide.runPythonAsync last line
call a PyProxy Python function, get PyProxy/value from a function's return.
access a mutable object (get/set) via its PyProxy, e.g. list element
directly access object (get/set)
global namespace: pyodide.globals.get('num') & pyodide.globals.set('num', 2)
custom namespace, example JS code:
const my_namespace = pyodide.globals.dict();
pyodide.runPython(`y = 4`, my_namespace);
console.log(my_namespace.get("y")); // ==> 4
Convert JavaScript Data
primitive value: number, string, boolean, null, undefined -> memory copied to Python immutable object
object: built-in objects, function, ArrayBuffers, ArrayBuffer View (Int8Array) and your own class, etc -> JsProxy
call a JsProxy JavaScript function, get object from a function's return.
access an object (get/set) via its JsProxy
direct access object:
global: import js
module scope example:
from my_js_module import num
print(num) # read
import my_js_module
my_js_module.num = 10 # write
const my_js_module = {num: 3}
pyodide.registerJsModule("my_js_module", my_js_module);
in Python: use JsProxy
get/set: obj dot notation (a.b) supported. Subscript x[y] on array/object
for-in on array
deep conversion (copy): to_py. e.g. JS array [1,2,3] to Python list [1,2,3]
pyodide.create_proxy & destory()
in JavaScript: use PyProxy
get/set: obj dot notation (a.b) supported. Use proxyObj.get/set on list/dict
for-of on list
use destroy() to avoid memory leak
print(obj) & console.log(obj) will auto trigger to_py()/toJs()
PyProxy needs the destroy method because even if all references to the PyProxy are removed, the PyProxy can hang around for a very long time because of the way the browser garbage collector work
const test_fun = pyodide.globals.get('test_fun')
// count + 1 for the memory
// in WebAssembly Python heap
const list = test_fun()
// Python list in WASM memory is 1
// even not use list anymore
// need some way to decrease 1
// Either
// 1. explictly call list.destory()
// 2. Pyodide register destory() in FinalizationRegistr
// when Browser finally recycles it
def test_fun():
# count + 1, allocate memory
# in WebAssembly heap
list_ = [1,2,3]
# count -1 when leaving this fun
return list_
JS code of round trip1:
Python Object -> PyProxy in JS -> same Python Object
const pyProxyObj = pyodide.runPython(`
import sys
class TestObject:
num = 10
def test_object_type(test_obj):
print(type(test_obj)) # <class 'TestObject'>
print(test_obj.num) # 10
if test_obj is obj:
print("same object")
obj = TestObject()
console.log(pyProxyObj) // Proxy
const testFun = pyodide.globals.get("test_object_type")
const obj = {
"num": 20
def echo_obj(obj):
print(type(obj)) # <class 'pyodide.JsProxy'>
return obj
const echoFun = pyodide.globals.get("echo_obj")
const obj2 = echoFun(obj);
console.log(obj2) // {num: 20}
if (obj2 == obj) {
console.log("same object2")
JS code of round trip2:
Js Object -> JsProxy in Python -> same Js Object
Using Python Buffer objects from JavaScript
PyProxy.toJs (copy)
1920 x 4 x 1080: copying speed is not slow, maybe acceptable
Typically the innermost dimension won’t matter for performance
1920 x 1080 x 4: copying this bitmap buffer is not fast, could use getBuffer)
PyProxy.getBuffer (no copy, fast) !!
Accessing element: for-of or pyProxyObject.get()
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, includes
file format (p10 image, video, DICOM-ECG...)
network protocol (picture archiving and communication system (PACS))
store information: study, series, patent info., orientation, DICOM RT (radiation therapy)...
Need to handle below DICOM tags about image:
transferSyntax: uncompressed, jpeg baseline, jpeg lossless ...
modality: CT, MR, CR (x-ray), US...
transforms / LUT: VOI (e.g. window center + window width (level), Modality, Palette ...
bits_allocated, bits_stored, pixel_representation
planar. 0: RGBRGBRGB..., 1:RRR...GGG...BBB...
So many => We need a good Parser library
View online DICOM files by clicking DICOM urls
View offline DICOM by dragging files onto Chrome, or use built-in file browser to select files.
In terminal, use https://www.npmjs.com/package/cli-open-dicom-with-chrome to open DICOM files via this extension.
Shortcut (ctrl+u/cmd+u) to open extension viewer page. Or click extension icon.
Support adjustable window center mode.
Support multi-frame, uncompressed, RGB & JPEG DICOM files
Support different plane views mode
Show basic DICOM information
Web & Chrome extension
Adjust window
center/ width via mouse move, 20~30+ fps
3 plane views, use slider to switch sections
Show Information
Demo Video
In TypeScript, load Pyodide and dicom_parser.py to get class PyodideDicom constructor function
Read local files / fetch online files
In TypeScript, call PyodideDicom(buffer, buffer_list, jpegDecoder) and store the returned PyProxy object, in __init__, do
parse & store basic DICOM info. and pixel_data
use NumPy to do calculations and store results to RGBA_1D_ndarray
In TypeScript, access pyodideDicomObj (PyProxy) attributes to show DICOM info. and draw on Canvas.
In TypeScript, reuse pyodideDicomObj (PyProxy) object for re-rendering
Use TypeScript React app & Python type annotations
const jpegDecoder = {
// baseline, jpeg2000, jpegls and this
lossless: (bytes: PyProxyBuffer) => {
const buffer = bytes.getBuffer() // PyBufferData
const decoder = new jpegLossless.lossless.Decoder();
const data = buffer.data; // Uint8Array
const decoded = decoder.decode(data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
return decoded.buffer // ArrayBuffer
const dicomObj = PyodideDicom(buffer, bufferList, jpegDecoder)
class PyodideDicom:
jpeg_decoder: Any = None # JsProxy
final_rgba_1d_ndarray: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
def __init__(
buffer: Any = None, # JSProxy of JS ArrayBuffer
buffer_list: Any = None,
jpeg_decoder: Any = None,
): # step1: buffer.to_py() result in memoryview, ds is DICOM object
ds = self.get_pydicom_dataset_from_js_buffer(buffer.to_py())
# setp2: do some pydicom parsing, after that, we call below function
# step3: calling self.render_frame_to_rgba_1d() which will call below method initailly
def decompress_compressed_data(self, dicom_pixel_data: bytes): # dicom file's pixel_data
jsobj = pyodide.create_proxy(dicom_pixel_data)
uncompressed_jsproxy = jpeg_decoder.lossless( # ArrayBuffer's JsProxy
uncompressed = uncompressed_jsproxy.to_py() # memoryview
## .. skip the code using DICOM tags to detect it is uint16/int16/int8/uint8
image: np.ndarray = np.frombuffer(uncompressed, dtype=np.uint16)
Flow 3: instantiate Python class with injected JS decoder object
In Typescirpt
In Python
def render_frame_to_rgba_1d(): # total: 0.09 ~ 0.009s
# do
# 1. compressed jpeg: decompress & apply_modality_lut ~ 0.05. uncompressed: already uses apply_modality_lut before
# 2. get ndarray min/max
# 3. inverse color for MONOCHROME1 case
# 4 if window center/width mode: apply np.clip
# 5. normalization to canvas 0~255, either use window center & width as min/max or original min/max
# 6. convert to rgba_1d_image_array, cases:
# 1. rgb_image1d: reshape to rgb_image2d first (~0.03s), then use 2.
# using np.insert approach is 2~3 times slower
# 2. rgb_image2d: similar to 3. just np.dstack((image2d, alpha)) different
# 3. grey_image2d #### 0.002s
# 4. grey_image1d which use 3. function
# case 3
def flatten_grey_image_to_rgba_1d_image_array(self, image: np.ndarray):
alpha = np.full(image.shape, 255)
stacked = np.dstack((image, image, image, alpha))
image = stacked.flatten()
image = image.astype("uint8")
return image
# old slow way of case 3
def flatten_grey_image2d_to_rgba_1d_image_array_iterate_ndarray_way():
# 2d -> 1d -> 1d *4 (each array value -copy-> R+G+B+A)
for i_row in range(0, height):
for j_col in range(0, width):
NumPy efficient usage VS NumPy slow usage
NumPy efficient usage VS NumPy ndarray iteration usage
DICOM visualization flow
Speed test: NumPy efficient usage VS NumPy ndarray iteration usage,
using OT-MONO2-8-hip.dcm on https://barre.dev/medical/samples/.
numpy.ndarray + manual iteration calculation in local python (0.65s) >>
numpy.ndarray + manual iteration calculation in Pyodide. (4s)
/* get PyProxy obj of a PyodideDicom Python instance */
const image = PyodideDicom(buffer, bufferList, decompressJPEG)
/* directly access Python object's attributes */
/* get ndarray as canvas suitable data */
// image.final_rgba_1d_ndarray <- will leak: pyodide/pyodide#1853. Fixed in main branch.
const ndarray = image.get_rgba_1d_ndarray()
const buffer = (ndarray as PyProxyBuffer).getBuffer("u8clamped"); // PyBufferData
(ndarray as PyProxyBuffer).destroy();
const uncompressedData = buffer.data as Uint8ClampedArray
// draw on canvas
const imgData = new ImageData(uncompressedData, image.width, image.height);
const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
/* adjust windoe center/width & ask Python to update its ndarray */
// case1
const ndarray = image.render_frame_to_rgba_1d(newWindowCenter, newWindowWidth)
// case2
const ax_ndarray = image.render_axial_view.callKwargs({
normalize_window_center: newWindowCenter, normalize_window_width: newWindowWidth
to Python Keyword argument
const decompressJPEG = {
lossless: (bytes: PyProxyBuffer) => {
console.log("first byte:", bytes[0], bytes.get(0)); // undefined, 255
/* PyProxyBuffer of Python "bytes" can be accessable via get & for-of in JavaScript
so the below decoder function is working, although the function requires a ArrayBuffer parameter
the reason is that it willy iterates each byte to ocpy internally (if only one argument)*/
// slow way: copy
// const decoded = decoder.decode(bytes); !!!!!!!!
// fast way: no copy
const buffer = bytes.getBuffer()
const decoder = new jpegLossless.lossless.Decoder();
const data = buffer.data;
const decoded = decoder.decode(data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
return decoded.buffer
Even if the Python part only consumes some milliseconds, but it may still affect UI event update FPS. The FPS is Ok when the mouse moves + Python + canvas rerender. But the FPS of DICOM viewer obviously decreases if Chrome console is opened (since it uses UI main thread too)
Solution: Web workers! But Keep in mind:
Pyodide might be useful and please evaluate if it fits your requirements.
It's a good community. I've submitted PRs, issues and been involved in discussions. Possible enhancements: debugger, module system, loading time, OpenCV, documentation, etc.
Embedded Pydicom React Viewer welcome contributions too.
new Chrome extension is published, bundle with Pyodide core 20Mb + NumPy 10MB.