$$\mathbb O(🤒 \mid ➕) = \operatorname{BF}(➕)\; \mathbb O(🤒) = \frac{\mathbb P(🤒 \mid ➕)}{1-\mathbb P(🤒 \mid ➕)}$$
$$\begin{align*}\mathbb P(🤒 \mid ➕) &= \frac{\operatorname{BF}(➕) \;\mathbb O(🤒)}{1+\operatorname{BF}(➕) \; \mathbb O(🤒)} = \frac{\mathbb P(➕\mid🤒) \mathbb P(🤒)}{\mathbb P(➕\mid😊)\mathbb P(😊)+\mathbb P(➕\mid🤒) \mathbb P(🤒)}\\ &= \frac{\mathbb P(➕\mid🤒) }{\mathbb P(➕)}\mathbb P(🤒)\end{align*}$$
$$\operatorname{BF}(➕) := \frac{\mathbb P(➕\mid🤒)}{\mathbb P(➕\mid😊)}$$
$$\begin{align*}\mathbb P(🤒 \mid ➕) = \frac{\mathbb P(➕\mid🤒) }{\mathbb P(➕)}\mathbb P(🤒)\end{align*}$$
$$\frac{10🤒}{100\text{M}😊}\times \frac{90\%}{1\%}= \frac{9🤒}{1\text{M}😊}$$
$$\log \operatorname{BF}(D)=2.4$$
$$\log\mathbb O(\Lambda\text{CDM})$$
$$\log\mathbb O(w_0 w_a\text{CDM})$$
$$M\mid D$$
$$\frac{9🤒}{1\text{M}😊} = \frac{90\%}{1\%} \times \frac{10🤒}{100\text{M}😊}$$
Animate to make it increase
and maybe better down instead?
a priori meaning “from before (observation)”
a posteriori meaning “from after (observation)”
evidence/prior predictive: data evidence, how much the data is evident per se. Alias prior predictive, information on data a priori $$p(y) := \int p(y \mid x) p(x) \mathrm{d} x$$
posterior predictive: information on data a posteriori$$p(y_1 \mid y_0) := \int p(y_1 \mid x) p(x \mid y_0) \mathrm{d} x$$
Bayes factor/likelihood ratio: \(\operatorname{BF}(y \mid x_1, x_0):= \frac{p(y_0 \mid x_1)}{p(y_0 \mid x_0)}\)
$$\mathbb P(X > x \mid H_0)$$
$$\frac{\mathbb P(x\mid H_1)}{\mathbb P(x \mid H_0)}$$
\(\theta\mapsto\mathbb P(R(X) \ni \theta \mid \theta)\)
\(\mathbb P(\theta \in R(X) \mid X)\)
$$\inf_{\theta \in \bar \Theta} \mathbb P(R(X) \ni \theta \mid \theta) = 0$$
\(\exists \mathbb P_U, \forall \theta \in \bar \Theta, \mathbb P_U(\theta)>0\quad \)😎
$$\sqrt n \left( \theta \mid x_{1:n} \mid \theta_0 - \hat \theta(x_{1:n})\mid \theta_0 \right) \xrightarrow[]{\text{TV}} \mathcal N(0, I(\theta_0)^{-1})$$
How to compute what we think the universe computes?
(approximately but fastly, please)
import jax.numpy as np
# then enjoy
function = jax.jit(function)
# function is so fast now!
gradient = jax.grad(function)
# too bad if you love chain ruling by hand
vfunction = jax.vmap(function)
pfunction = jax.pmap(function)
# for-loops are for-loosers
def model():
z = sample('Z', dist.Normal(0, 1))
x = sample('X', dist.Normal(z**2, 1))
return x
render_model(model, render_distributions=True)
x_sample = dict(x=seed(model, 42)())
obs_model = condition(model, x_sample)
logp_fn = lambda z: log_density(obs_model,(),{},{'Z':z})[0]
from jax import jit, vmap, grad
score_vfn = jit(vmap(grad(logp_fn)))
kernel = infer.NUTS(obs_model)
mcmc = infer.MCMC(kernel, num_warmup, num_samples)
samples = mcmc.get_samples()
Now that you can score...
Where model and sampler finally meet
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
No-U-Turn Sampler (🥜)
MicroCanonical Langevin Monte Carlo (MCLMC)
Variational self-Boosted Sampling (VBS)
Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA)
currently working on a custom version of "Continuously Annealed Langevin Algorithm"