do what U preach


design to share 

by valentina hvale pellizzer @froatosebe

A community with a purpose!

Each community must have a purpose that matters to the people each of us are trying to reach. 

We cannot "create" the purpose,
 we need to look for it and RECOGNIZE it.

Look for what people care about and build a community around it.

community = content

 Communities are about people
The content has to be about the community.

Do not focus on yourself or your "organization/group"
make sure you write about community members 

Figure out what resources you have and who you want to reach

Relationships & acknowledgment

Build personal relationships with most engaged active "visible" people/members

 If you want to have real authority, you must be liked by the people who your community respects. 

God, two-way, relationships with the most engaged active "visible" people/members



Recognise individual contributions
Each of us love to be recognised 
 each of us should love to recognise people
Recognition is free to give and the most important way to encourage further contributions

sustain debates

Good debates are vital for successful communities

Do not get scared:
sustain conversation on topics of controversy 

share powers

Share control and power with your community members
Hand over control and power 
(let people managing  take responsibility and risks)

turn involvement in ownership

the powerful us
it's mine as much is yours = our!


The right platform is the one your community know

Use  tool/platform your community is familiar with

Don’t run after the last wonderful innovation just because it shine

 Technology is about empowering people

7 Contrary Truths About Online Communities

  • Online communities should be small. 
  • Famous online communities are terrible examples. 
  • Fights are good for online communities. 
  • Online community websites should be cheap and ugly. 
  • Publicity is bad for online communities. 
  • You should kill your registration page. 
  • Don’t ask influencers to join your community. 

by @RichMillington FeverBee


