Title Text




travel card





The office

Concept: The concept revolves around showcasing the ease and convenience of using Al Ansari travel cards for departmental assignments, emphasizing a seamless transition from work to relaxation.


Description: The pitch begins with a man seated at a Office Table, where he takes out his Al Ansari travel card and places it on the table. Each card represents a specific department or task that he has assigned. This visual cue establishes the connection between the cards and his professional responsibilities.


As the man leans back in his chair, the scene transitions by fading to black, creating a smooth transition effect. The next scene reveals the man in a luxurious bath tub, wearing a suit and enjoying a bubble bath. The bubbles floating around create a serene and relaxing atmosphere.


In a moment of introspection, the man pops one of the bubbles, triggering a match cut back to the office. This sequence suggests that the bubble pop represents a sudden realization or idea. By visually connecting the relaxing bath scene with the office setting, the pitch implies that the man's relaxation is intrinsically linked to his ability to efficiently manage his work tasks using Al Ansari travel cards.


The overall concept highlights the seamless and effortless nature of using the Al Ansari travel cards for departmental assignments. It aims to convey that by using these cards, individuals can easily transition between work and relaxation, allowing for a balanced and stress-free lifestyle.

controlled limit and convenience



Concept: The concept revolves around portraying a gentleman's confidence in making online purchases through a seamless transition from his living room to a glamorous daydream scenario.


Description: The pitch begins with a gentleman sitting on a couch in his living room, engrossed in making an online purchase. As he completes the transaction, he exudes a sense of relaxation and confidence, indicating his trust in the payment process.


The scene then transitions by fading to black, symbolizing a shift into the gentleman's daydream. In this dream sequence, he is seen dressed in an elegant suit, exuding a glamorous look. He is surrounded by bodyguards, further enhancing his aura of confidence and importance.


The dreamy scenario is a representation of the gentleman's imagination, reflecting his aspirations and desires. However, this dream sequence is short-lived as the pitch cuts back to reality, indicating that it was merely a figment of his imagination.


The overall concept aims to convey the message that by making secure and reliable online payments, individuals can feel confident and assured in their purchase decisions. It highlights the seamless transition from the living room to a dreamy scenario, showcasing the gentleman's imagination while emphasizing the reliability of the online payment process.

safe and secure for online payments



Concept: The concept revolves around showcasing the seamless and luxurious experience of using the Al Ansari travel card for saving money of exchange rates, transitioning from a payment counter to a first-class travel experience.


Description: The pitch begins with a confident woman walking up to a counter table where she intends to make payment for her vacation travels. She displays her assurance by taking out her Al Ansari travel card and making the payment seamlessly. This scene emphasizes the convenience and reliability of using the travel card for transactions.


As the payment is successfully made, the scene gradually fades to black, indicating a transition. The subsequent scene reveals the woman seated in a lavish first-class seat within an exclusive private jet. The luxurious ambiance is further enhanced by the presence of exclusive meal, adding to the overall opulence and comfort.


The match cut technique is employed to seamlessly shift from the first-class seat to the initial counter table scene, creating a visual link between the two settings. This technique suggests that the woman's luxurious journey was just a daydream or visualization of the possibilities enabled by using the Al Ansari travel card by saving money from the exchange rates.


The concept aims to convey the message that by using the Al Ansari travel card, individuals can enjoy a seamless payment experience and unlock exclusive travel opportunities. It emphasizes the transition from the payment counter to a first-class travel experience, illustrating the benefits and rewards of using the travel card.

exchange rates



Original execution ideas submitted by the production company remain its property. 9T Studio © Copyright work included in this treatment.