Presenting iRODS as S3
Terrell Russell, Ph.D.
Executive Director, iRODS Consortium
December 6, 2023
Chapel Hill, NC
History - Desire / Justification
History - Desire / Justification
History - Desire / Justification
History - Desire / Justification
1. Update and maintain
This minio-based front end already exists and has been demonstrated, but has not been updated since its debut. I do not know the extent that it has been used in production work, perhaps John can talk about that. This uses the GoRODS client library, which will continue to need to be updated to wrap the latest iRODS C API as new releases of the server come out. Presumably, BioTeam / John would continue to own/maintain GoRODS and the minio-irods-gateway.
2. minio-irods-gateway converts to use
Illyoung has produced and is actively developing a pure Go iRODS client library. This new library could be 'swapped' for the GoRODS calls in the minio-irods-gateway. Presumably, then Arizona / Illyoung would own/maintain a fork of the minio-irods-gateway.
3. Add irods/gateway-irods.go to upstream
Someone / all of us would port / implement the same work from Option 2 (convert to pure Go), but work with the minio community to get iRODS to be an officially supported gateway for the MinIO server directly.
4. New C++ implementation -
The iRODS Consortium would work to implement the S3 specification directly with a new C++ client. This could be more performant (in the long run), but requires the most work and answers to open questions.
"I am leaning towards Option 3 as the best option both from a cost/benefit perspective, as well as exposure to a larger community and confidence that 'it just works'."
History - Research
History - Research - Phase 1
History - Research - Phase 2
History - Research - Phase 2 - Alternate Illyoung Universes
History - Research - Phase 3 (Feb-Mar 2023)
History - Research - Phase 4 (Jun-Nov 2023)
Status / Implementation - Architecture
Status / Implementation - Architecture
Status / Implementation - Configuration
// Defines S3 options that affect how the
// client-facing component of the server behaves.
"s3_server": {
// ...
// Defines iRODS connection information.
"irods_client": {
// ...
Status / Implementation - Configuration - s3_server
"s3_server": {
"port": 8080,
"plugins": {
// Each key corresponds to a local shared object file
"static_bucket_resolver": {
"name": "static_bucket_resolver",
"mappings": {
"<bucket_name>": "/path/to/collection"
"static_authentication_resolver": {
"name": "static_authentication_resolver",
"users": {
// Maps <s3_username> to a specific iRODS user.
"<s3_username>": {
// The iRODS username and secret key
"username": "<string>",
"secret_key": "<string>"
"resource": "demoResc",
"threads": 10,
"put_object_buffer_size_in_bytes": 8192,
"get_object_buffer_size_in_bytes": 8192,
"region": "us-east-1"
Status / Implementation - Configuration - irods_client
"irods_client": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 1247,
"zone": "<string>",
"proxy_admin_account": {
"username": "<string>",
"password": "<string>"
Next Steps
def test_aws_copy_object_in_different_buckets(self):
def test_aws_copy_object_in_different_subdirectories(self):
def test_aws_copy_object_overwrite(self):
def test_aws_copy_object_root_large_file(self):
def test_aws_copy_object_root_small_file(self):
def test_aws_delete_object_in_root_directory(self):
def test_aws_delete_object_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_aws_get_in_bucket_root_large_file(self):
def test_aws_get_in_bucket_root_small_file(self):
def test_aws_get_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_aws_head_object_in_root_directory(self):
def test_aws_head_object_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_aws_list_bucket(self):
def test_aws_list_nothing_found(self):
def test_aws_list_no_delimiter(self):
def test_aws_list_with_delimiter_no_prefix(self):
def test_aws_list_with_delimiter_prefix_ending_with_slash(self):
def test_aws_list_with_delimiter_prefix_no_slash(self):
def test_aws_put_in_bucket_root_large_file(self):
def test_aws_put_in_bucket_root_small_file(self):
def test_aws_put_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_botocore_copy_object_in_different_buckets(self):
def test_botocore_copy_object_in_different_subdirectories(self):
def test_botocore_copy_object_overwrite(self):
def test_botocore_copy_object_root_large_file(self):
def test_botocore_copy_object_root_small_file(self):
def test_botocore_delete_object_in_root_directory(self):
def test_botocore_delete_object_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_botocore_get_in_bucket_root_large_file(self):
def test_botocore_get_in_bucket_root_small_file(self):
def test_botocore_head_bucket_as_alice_user(self):
def test_botocore_head_bucket_as_rods_user(self):
def test_botocore_head_object_in_root_directory(self):
def test_botocore_head_object_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_botocore_list_bucket(self):
def test_botocore_list_nothing_found(self):
def test_botocore_list_no_delimiter(self):
def test_botocore_list_with_delimiter_no_prefix(self):
def test_botocore_list_with_delimiter_prefix_ending_with_slash(self):
def test_botocore_list_with_delimiter_prefix_no_slash(self):
def test_botocore_put_in_bucket_root_large_file(self):
def test_botocore_put_in_bucket_root_small_file(self):
def test_botocore_put_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_botocore_put_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_head_nonexistent_bucket_and_file(self):
def test_mc_list_bucket(self):
def test_mc_list_nothing_found(self):
def test_mc_list_no_delimiter(self):
def test_mc_list_with_delimiter_no_prefix(self):
def test_mc_list_with_delimiter_prefix_ending_with_slash(self):
def test_mc_list_with_delimiter_prefix_no_slash(self):
def test_mc_put_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_mc_put_large_file_in_bucket_root(self):
def test_mc_put_small_file_in_bucket_root(self):
def test_minio_copy_object_in_different_buckets(self):
def test_minio_copy_object_in_different_subdirectories(self):
def test_minio_copy_object_overwrite(self):
def test_minio_copy_object_root_large_file(self):
def test_minio_copy_object_root_small_file(self):
def test_minio_get_in_bucket_root_large_file(self):
def test_minio_get_in_bucket_root_small_file(self):
def test_minio_get_in_subdirectory(self):
def test_permission(self):
def test_permission(self):
def test_permissions(self):
def test_put_fails(self):
docker-client-1 | ...................................................s..............
docker-client-1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
docker-client-1 | Ran 66 tests in 274.398s
docker-client-1 |
docker-client-1 | OK (skipped=1)
What if the S3 client is our existing iRODS S3 Resource Plugin?
Thank you.