Daniel Moore

Applications Engineer

iRODS Consortium

June 8-11, 2021

iRODS User Group Meeting 2021

Virtual Event

iRODS and NetCDF Updates

iRODS and NetCDF Updates

iRODS NetCDF API and Microservices Plugin - Introduction

What is NetCDF?


A machine-independent data format allowing hierarchical, self-descriptive datasets to be stored in flat files.


Abstractions defined in the header include:

  • variables, attributes, and dimension(s)

  • groups (like "folders"), which may contain any of the above



What does the iRODS NetCDF API plugin offer?


Read access to NetCDF datasets and their descriptive information, when stored as iRODS data objects.

iRODS NetCDF API and Microservices Plugin

Work of the past year

  • port iRODS 4.1.x NetCDF functionality to iRODS 4.2.8+
    • use new iRODS server API structure
    • move from jansson C++ JSON library to nlohmann::json library
  • migrate build and packaging to CMake and CPack
  • add plugin into Jenkins CI for testing

iRODS NetCDF API and Microservices Plugin

What remains to be done

  • add group hierarchy functionality
  • solicit and incorporate community feedback

iRODS NetCDF API and Microservices Plugin
