Kory Draughn, Chief Technologist

Martin Flores, Software Developer

iRODS Consortium


with OpenID Connect

May 28-31, 2024

iRODS User Group Meeting 2024

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Updates since UGM 2023


  • 88 issues closed - 10 bugs, 57 enhancements



  • 57 issues closed - 11 bugs, 25 enhancements
  • Simplified OIDC configuration
  • Improved separation between HTTP status codes and iRODS status codes
  • Improved API documentation
  • Improved API usage by constraining input requirements
  • Improved stability
  • Configuration validation on server startup



  • 6 issues closed - 1 bug, 4 enhancements
  • Improved support for OIDC - Protected Resource mode
  • Improved support for TLS between HTTP API and iRODS server

OAuth & OIDC in v0.3.0

OAuth 2.0 Confidential Client

  • OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
    • Currently Support Password Based Authentication
    • Both Client and Protected Resource modes supported

Alternate User Mapping

  • Previously required mapping in OpenID Provider
  • Provide mapping in configuration file

Alternate User Mapping


"openid_connect": {
  "user_attribute_mapping": {
    "rodsBob": {
      "email": "bob@bobtopia.example",
      "sub": "a.very.real.sub",
      "phone_number": "56709"
    "rodsAlice": {
      "email": "al-1s@wonderland.example",
      "sub": "a.different.sub"

User Mapping Example

Alternate User Mapping

  • Protected Resource Mode
    • Map via Introspection Endpoint
  • Client Mode
    • Map via OpenID Connect ID Token
  • Information received dependent on configuration

Alternate User Mapping


  "active": true,
  "client_id": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
  "username": "jdoe",
  "scope": "read write dolphin",
  "sub": "Z5O3upPC88QrAjx00dis",
  "aud": "https://protected.example.net/resource",
  "iss": "https://server.example.com/",
  "exp": 1419356238,
  "iat": 1419350238,
  "extension_field": "twenty-seven"

Token Introspection Example

HTTP API as an OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource

  • Removes HTTP API from OAuth authentication flows
    • Simplifies Code Executed
    • Streamlines Integration with OpenID Provider
  • Only handle Access Token
  • Currently Supports OAuth 2.0 Introspection Endpoint

HTTP API as an OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource

Example of Protected Resource Communications

Draft Specifications

  • OAuth 2.0 Security Best Practices Draft (Work in Progress)
    • Resource Owner Password Credentials MUST NOT be used 
  • OAuth 2.1 Draft (Work in Progress)
    • Resource Owner Password Credentials Omitted
    • Removal of Implicit Grant


Future Work

High Priority

  • Make write operation web-friendly
  • Log client IP or other identifier(s) to distinguish users in log output


Medium Priority

  • Externalize OIDC user mapping
  • Update to use 4.3.2 GenQuery2 API
  • Implement missing iRODS API operations



  • Status / Cancellation operations for active transfers
  • Extending the lifetime of Basic Authentication tokens on use
  • Using API documentation generation tool

Thank you!
