Third Wave AI in Medicine:

From Test-free Screening of Complex Diseases


Understanding Microbiome Self-organization and Zoonotic Emergence

Ishanu Chattopadhyay, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

University of Chicago

  1. Lie Detector in Structured Interviews
  2. Emergenet 
  3. Cognitive Processes




1. Societal Resilience Modeling

2. Reducing Violent Crime 

DoD (Minerva)


  1. Autism
  2. IPF/ILD/PrePF
  3. ADRD/AD
  4. SISA
  5. Rare Cancers






Fractalnet, social sc

Cloud Deployment

        "patient_id": "P000038",
        "sex": "F",
        "birth_date": "01-01-2006",
        "DX_record": [
            {"date": "07-31-2006", "code": "Z38.00"},
            {"date": "08-07-2006", "code": "P59.9"},
            {"date": "08-29-2016", "code": "J01.90"},
            {"date": "09-10-2016", "code": "J01.90"},
            {"date": "11-14-2016", "code": "J01.91"}
        "RX_record": [
            {"date": "10-29-2011", "code": "rxLDA017"},
            {"date": "05-16-2015", "code": "rxIDG004"},
            {"date": "08-08-2015", "code": "rxIDG004"},
            {"date": "06-04-2016", "code": "rxIDD013"}
        "PROC_record": [
            {"date": "02-05-2007", "code": "90723"},
            {"date": "11-05-2007", "code": "J1100"}
  "predictions": [
      "error_code": "",
      "patient_id": "P000012",
      "predicted_risk": 0.005794344620009157,
      "probability": 0.8253881317184486
  "target": "TARGET"

Data In

Data Out

The Paraknowledge API

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"patient_id": "P28109965201", "sex": "M", "age": 89, "fips": "35644", "DX_record": [{"date": "12-16-2011", "code": "R09.02"}, {"date": "12-30-2011", "code": "H04.129"}, {"date": "12-30-2011", "code": "H02.109"}], "RX_record": [], "PROC_record": [{"date": "09-28-2012", "code": "71100"}]}]' ""

Current Targets


Cohort Selection and Risk Analysis Testbed

Cohort Selection and Risk Analysis Testbed

Time-series Classification

Map to features

Use raw streams

Time-series Classification

  • What is the right feature to use?
  • Can we tie such featurization to generative models of the underlying physical processes?

Algorithm GenESeSS

What are states?

How do we compare these objects?


symbolic derivative featurization

Models of Underlying Processes

Models of Underlying Processes

Bypassing Model Generation

\sigma_0 | 0.85


Log-likelihood of Model A vs B



\displaystyle\mathcal{H}_n(g) = -\sum_{|x| = n}p_g(x)\log{p_g(x)}
\displaystyle\mathcal{H}(g) = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{n}\mathcal{H}_n(g)

Entropy Rate of PFSA

p_g (x) : \textrm{probability of sequence x}

Log-likelihood Computation

\displaystyle\mathcal{D}_{\textrm{KL},n}(g \vert \vert h) = \sum_{|x| = n}p_g(x)\log\frac{p_g(x)}{p_h(x)}
\displaystyle\mathcal{D}_{\textrm{KL}} = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{n}\mathcal{D}_{\textrm{KL},n}(g \vert \vert h)

KL Divergence of PFSA

Log-likelihood Computation

\displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{\textrm{KL}}(G \vert \vert H) = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{x:|x| = n}p_G(x)\log\frac{p_G(x)}{p_H(x)}
\displaystyle L(x,G)= -\frac{1}{\vert x\vert}\log p_G(x) \\
\displaystyle \Delta^j \triangleq L(x,G^{j}_0) - L(x,G^{j}_+) \rightarrow \mathcal{D}_{\textrm{KL}}(G^{j}_0 \vert \vert G^{j}_+)
\lim_{\vert x \vert \rightarrow \infty}L(x,G) = \mathcal{H}(G) \\ \lim_{\vert x \vert \rightarrow \infty } L(x,H) =\mathcal{H}(G) + \mathcal{D}_{\textrm{KL}}(G \vert \vert H)\\

Discovers Intrinsic Structure | Beats the competation

UCR FordA Dataset

Leveraging Similarity of Seasonal Flu to Predict Covid Count

Live Predictions at

Point-of-care for ASD

Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score

Data: Onishchenko etal. Science Advances 2021

Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score


Head to head comparison with current practice

Data: Onishchenko etal. Science Advances 2021

PA-21-200 -  Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R21)


Aim 1: Assess prospective performance of ACoR used as a standalone tool, as well as when combined with existing tools such as M-CHAT/F, when applied to children within the age of 18-26 months, typically around their two-year wellness check visits. Since the existing screening tools are questionnaire based while ACoR leverages subtle predictive patterns emerging in medical history, these tools are expected to be functionally independent, and may be combined resulting in substantial boost in performance. We will confirm these performance gains via a gold-standard confirmatory diagnosis (ADOS-2) following the ACoR and M-CHAT/F scoring. Patients recruited with informed consent will be all scored with M-CHAT/F, ACoR and ADSO-2 to estimate false positive and false negative rates.


Aim 2: Examine ACoR’s efficacy in a diverse population with socio-economic, demographic, and other co-founders, via a comprehensive interdisciplinary assessment. Additionally, we will collect data on familial socio-economic status (SES)34 and indicators for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)35,36, measured by parent response to questions about children’s exposure to neighborhood violence, racial/ ethnic discrimination, income hardship, parental divorce, incarceration, death, domestic violence, substance abuse and mental illness. These data will be analyzed to estimate the impact of race, ethnicity, demographics, and other typical confounders on ACoR estimated risk, elucidating the impact of the proposed tool on health equity considerations, and the current lack of diagnostic parity across marginalized communities.


Aim 3: Determine how developmental and learning disorders such as intellectual delay impact ACoR performance. Within this aim we will determine comorbidities of motor, communicative, regulatory behavior, and adaptive skills among ACoR identified children with ASD compared to M-CHAT/F-positive children with and without ASD. We hypothesize that the frequency of delays in gross and fine motor skills, receptive and express language skills, verbal, and nonverbal cognitive skills, internalizing and externalizing regulatory and social behavior skills, and criterion specific adaptive skills (feeding, dressing, toilet learning, self-mobility, social interactions) will show interpretable trends associated with elevated ACoR score.

March 11, R21, Co-PI: Michael Msall, Uchicago

2 yrs, 450K

Point-of-care for IPF/ILD

Data: Onishchenko etal. Nat. Medicine 2022

patient A

patient B

patient C

lesson 1

Beyond "risk factors" to personalized risk patterns

False Positives: 

  • Heathcare Capacity


  • Risk from Imaging Tests

For every 20-30 flags,

1 is positive

  • General likelihood ratio 60-80
  • PPV 3.5-5%
  • Notifying patients 4 years early?
  • No cure, why screen



Better outcomes

  • early anti-fibrotic therapy seems increasingly promising
  • better shot at lung transplant
  • early dx reduces  hospital-izations by a factor of 1-3

Collard, Harold R., Alex J. Ward, Stephan Lanes, D. Cortney Hayflinger, Daniel M. Rosenberg, and Elke Hunsche. "Burden of illness in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis." Journal of medical economics 15, no. 5 (2012): 829-835.

Aim 1: Validate ZCoR for flagging ILD, IPF and PrePF Prospectively In a Pragmatic Clinical Trial. Validate
ZCoR as a reliable primary-care screening tool for ILD/IPF. 


Aim 2: Performance in High Risk Cohorts Within this aim we plan to evaluate the applicability and
effectiveness of ZCoR in high risk cohorts, treated in participating pulmonary care clinics over the last 5 years.
This includes patients diagnosed with or in the diagnostic workup for suspected COPD or Lung Cancer, or
other relevant pulmonary disorders. 


Aim 3: Developing and Validating ZCoR Visual Risk-explainer (VisPF module) Enabling Drill-down well?
and AI-driven Predictors of Anti-fibrotic Treatment Responders Within this aim we plan to develop and
validate the capability for inspecting explanations for the AI estimated risk for individual patients, answering
“why” the AI estimated a patient to have high/low risk. This explanatory capability can shed new light on
IPF/ILD heterogeneity, and potentially identify new functional phenotypes, especially aiming to predict patient
phenotype that indicates favorable response to anti-fibrotics and other disease modifying therapy.

June 5, R01, Co-PI: Fernando Martinez, Cornell

NOT-CA-24-031 Validation of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools for Improved Assessment in Biomedical and Behavioral Research


5 yrs R01


Point-of-care for ADRD/AD

>5 Million in US. >13 Million in next 10 years

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dimentia

MOCA, Blood Tests

Current Practice:

state of art with EHR:

~67% AUC*


ZCoR:  ~87%

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dimentia

state of art with EHR:

~67% AUC*


ZCoR:  ~87%

Preempting ADRD accurately upto a decade in future

Aim 1: Validate ZCoR for flagging ADRD/AD


Aim 2: EHR integrated deployment, and carry out usability and physician confidence


Aim 3:  Develop ZCoR 2.9, combining EHR data with CSF markers, genomics and demographics

June 5, R01, Co-PI: James Mastrianni (?)

NIA  (Investigator Initiated/ NOT-CA-24-031 Validation of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools for Improved Assessment in Biomedical and Behavioral Research



Point-of-care for SISA/PTSD

Application to Suicide Attempts and Ideation (SISA)  , PTSD*

perhaps surprising connection between mood disorders and physiological comorbidities

Gibbons RD, Kupfer D, Frank E, Moore T, Beiser DG, Boudreaux ED. Development of a Computerized Adaptive Test Suicide Scale-The CAT-SS. J Clin Psychiatry. 2017 Nov/Dec;78(9):1376-1382. doi: 10.4088/JCP.16m10922. PMID: 28493655.

* in press

Towards Continuous Monitoring of Psychological Health.


Specific Aim 1: Development of AI-Mediated Pipeline for PTSD and SI/SA.

Specific Aim 2: Investigate how past  TBI modulates the future risk of experiencing SI/SA and PTSD

Specific Aim 3: Limited Prospective Validation in a Clinical Study



Co-PI: Robert Gibbons + (?)

CDMRP 2024: Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Research Program


4 yrs 




Layered Universal Knowledge INtegration for Guided Longitudinal Assessment


AI-enabled Reconfigurable Primary-care Continuous Screening for Complex Disorders

Application to Malignant Neoplasms


Melanoma has a high survival rate of over 90% when treated early. But if it progresses to later stages, the survival rate drops significantly. Identifying potentially life-threatening melanomas is crucial.

LUKInGLAss (Layered Universal Knowledge INtegration for Guided Longitudnal Assessment) framework for AI-enabled Reconfigurable Primary-care Continuous Screening for Complex Disorders


Microbiome Modeling

Microbiome profiles to screen for complex disorders; especially when long term medical history is not available

Microbial transplants tuned to individuals: Precision medicine with microbiome

Just add missing microbes back?

Not all perturbations are valid

We have theoretical predictions, which can be tested in bioreactors

Supplantation MUST be personalized

Supplantation MUST be personalized

Supplantation MUST be personalized

Emergence Modeling

Can we predict the next pandemic?

Can we predict future mutations? Can we define the "edge of emergence"?

Digital Twins for complex systems

Chattopadhyay, Ishanu, Kevin Wu, Jin Li, and Aaron Esser-Kahn. "Emergenet: Fast Scalable Pandemic Risk Assessment of Influenza A Strains Circulating In Non-human Hosts." (2023). Under Review in Nature


How do we measure "distance" between strains?

\Phi_i:\prod_{j \neq i} \Sigma_j \rightarrow \mathcal{D}(\Sigma_i)


recursive forest

Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT) scoring for animal strains

Can we replicate IRAT scores*?

slow (months), quasi-subjective, expensive


genomic analysis

receptor binding



antivirals available

population immunity

human infections



global prevalence

antigenic novelty

disease severity

Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT) scoring for animal strains

slow (months), quasi-subjective, expensive


24 scores in 14 years

~10,000 strains collected annually

Emergenet:  finding emergence risk of animal strains

Emergenet time: 1 second


BioNORAD: Fast Scalable Pandemic Risk Assessment of Influenza A Strains Circulating In Non-human Hosts

Aim 1: Develop a platform powered by novel pattern discovery and recognition algorithms to automatically parse out emergent evolutionary constraints operating on Influenza A viruses in the wild, to provide a less-heuristic theory-backed scalable solution to emergence prediction. We plan to show that this capability enables preempting strains which are expected to be in future human circulation, and approximate IRAT scores of non-human strains without experimental assays or SME scoring, in second as opposed to weeks or months. Our approach automatically takes into account the time-sensitive variations in selection pressures as the background strain circulation changes over time, and will potentially be able to rank-order strains adapatively.

Aim 2: Validate our ability to predict future variations of viral proteins by showing that predicted variants of HA and NA fold correctly, and are functional, binding to the relevant human receptors in in-vivo laboratory experiments. Thus, bringing together rigorous data-driven modeling, and validation via tools from reverse genetics we plan to deliver an actionable and deployable platform that optimally exploits the current biosurvellance capacity.

FY24 PRMRP Portfolio Category: Infectious Diseases | FY24 PRMRP Topic: proteomics
| FY24 PRMRP Strategic Goal: Epidemiology: Identify strategies for surveillance or develop modeling tools and/or biomarkers to predict outbreaks or epidemics

Factitious and Simulated Symptom Detection in Mental Health DIagnosis


Vetting Response Integrity from
cross-Talk in Adversarial


High Complexity

Low Surprise

Responses that are reflective of symptoms

structured interview

properties of true responses




Generalizable Rapidly Reconfigurable Lie-detector

Minimum AUC = \(0.95 \pm 0.005\)

Cannot be coached, or memorized

Number of possible responses


Minimum Performance (n=624)

Average Time: 3.5 min

No. of Items: 20

AUC > 0.95

PPV > 0.86

NPV > 0.92

At least 83.3% sensitivity at 94% specificity

Beat the test!




Habitus Program (in discussion)

Aim: Identify veracity of interviews without asking aggressive questions

Substance Abuse Disorder





Cook County Data

Estimated malingering rate 0.34

NIMH R01 (Co-PI, with Michael Brooks NW)

Substance Abuse Disorder

TITLE: Algorithmic Detection of Adversarial Responses to Computer-aided Diagnostic Tests for Mental Disorders

Aim: Use inferred cross-dependencies between responses to items selected adaptively from a question-bank
designed for diagnosis of mental disorders (CAD) to identify malingering/non-attentive participants, developing an
algorithmic lie detector that is impossible to cheat with psychiatric training.

Social Modeling

Social Event Prediction

Predictive intelligence for security


Can we predict complex spatio-temporal stochastic processes?

Rotaru, Victor, Yi Huang, Timmy Li, James Evans, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "Event-level prediction of urban crime reveals a signature of enforcement bias in US cities." Nature human behaviour 6, no. 8 (2022): 1056-1068.

Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)


NIH RFA-NR-24-004  5 yr  4.7M

(Co-PI: Charles Branas Columbia, Epideniology)


Empowering underserved communities via "superpowering" community workers and credible messengers

Understanding, Measuring, and Interpreting Social Resilience



Letter of Intent Accepted. Invited submission May 5

3 YR 3M (CoPI, PI: James Evans UChicago)

\theta(x,y) \triangleq \\ \mathbf{E}_i \left ( \mathbb{J}^{\frac{1}{2}} \left (\Phi_i^P(x_{-i}) , \Phi_i^Q(y_{-i})\right ) \right )
\rm {JSD}(P\parallel Q)=\frac {1}{2}D(P\parallel M)+\frac {1}{2}D(Q\parallel M)
\textrm{where } M=\frac {1}{2}(P+Q)