Music Video Concept

Star Image

The Image we want to try and create for the performer, is a bold, stylish, neat look. The Reformer will be wearing extremes of colors so that they will stand out. The artist hair will be styled and groomed accordingly. The clothes that the performer will wear will be tight fitting, that will allow the performer to come across as sexy.


There will me a lot of different types of editing. For Example, continuity editing, that will the music video flow effectively. We will also be using a Green screen that will allow us to use different effects on the background of the artist. There will also be a montage of different clips put together.

Camera work

There will be many different types of Camera work. However, in particular there will be lots of different close ups of the performers hands and objects. There will also be long shots of a loose frame of the artist.

Mise en scene


Throughout the video there will be both high key and low key lighting that will reflect how the artist feels at the time.


The colors will be extremes of the colors that have been chosen. The will be bold and will stand out.


The costumes will be bold and will make a fashion statement. However, they will still be an everyday wear.


These will be places were the ins't many people, therefor make the place seem deserted.