James B. Wilson, Colorado State University
Joint work with Heiko Dietrich, Monash University
because you like it
embarrassed by
brute-force alternative
make some software
justify your Ph.D.
get your
someone dared you
you think your
smart enough
want the challenge
you hope there's a prize
its a frontier
To measure anything we choose:
Measurement ( Object ) = Data.
Must see past our choices to what matters.
Data / Equivalence = Information.
\[(A\cong B)\wedge (B\cong C)\Rightarrow (A\cong C)\]
is product on the evidence \(\Gamma\) of \(\cong\):
\[*:\Gamma\times \Gamma\to \Gamma\]
Reflexivity \(A\cong A\) establishes an identity \(refl\in\Gamma\), i.e.: \((A\cong A)\wedge (A\cong B)\Rightarrow (A\cong B)\) means
\[refl*x= x\]
Symmetry \((A\cong B)\Rightarrow (B\cong A)\) affords inverses \((x\in\Gamma)\mapsto (x^{-1}\in \Gamma)\), i.e.: \((A\cong B)\wedge (B\cong A)\Rightarrow (A\cong A)\) means
\[x*x^{-1}= refl.\]
*Technically a groupoid, actually a 2-, 3-, k-groupoid.
Level 1: compare \(A\cong B\) for some \(\cong\) that ignores some details to make it possible to solve.
Level 2: get finer comparisons by comparing your comparisons, i.e. \(Aut(A)\cong Aut(B)\), i.e. compare group(oid)s.
Levels 3, 4, 27? Well isomorphism of group(oid)s goes back to group(oid)s so in a formal sense:
group isomorphism is the inductive step of comparison.
Theorem A (Dietrich-W. `20+\(\varepsilon\))
There is an algorithm to decide isomorphism of solvable groups of most orders in nearly-linear time.
Before best known time \(n^{O(\log n)}\), \(n\) group order.
Nearly-linear = \(O(n^2 (\log n)^c)\).
Approximate Actual Theorem A (Dietrich-W. `20+\(\varepsilon\))
There is an algorithm that decides solvable group isomorphism on most orders in time
\[\exp O((\log\log n)^4 ).\]
Problem 1: what is "most orders"?
Problem 2: for \(n\gg 0\), \(\exp O((\log\log n)^4)<n\).
So algorithm is not even reading the whole group.
Actual Theorem A (Dietrich-W. `20+\(\varepsilon\))
There is a dense subset \(\Upsilon\subset\mathbb{N}\) and an algorithm such that
Assuming the Extended Riemann Hypothesis (ERH), the algorithm is deterministic and runs in time \[\exp O( (\log\log n)^4 ).\]
Without ERH it can be made Las Vegas.
Actual Corollary A (Dietrich-W. `20+\(\varepsilon\))
There is a dense subset \(\Upsilon\subset\mathbb{N}\) and an algorithm such that
All this in time \(O(n^2( \log n)^c)\).
Theorem B (Dietrich-W. `18 arxiv:1810.03467)
There is a dense subset \(\Psi\subset\mathbb{N}\) and an algorithm such that
The algorithm is deterministic and runs in time \[O( (\log n)^c ).\]
\(\Psi\) is all \(n\) where given a prime \(p|n\), \(p^2|n\) implies \(p\leq \log\log n\) and \(p^e|n\) implies \(p^e\leq \log n\).
Call these pseudo-square-free.
Theorem B (Dietrich-W. `18 arxiv:1810.03467)
There is a dense subset \(\Psi\subset\mathbb{N}\) and an algorithm such that
The algorithm is deterministic and runs in time \[O( (\log n)^c ).\]
See also work of Dietrich-Low arXiv:2005.02569
Theorem C (Dietrich-W. `20+\(\varepsilon\))
There is a dense subset \(\Upsilon\subset\mathbb{N}\) and an algorithm such that
The algorithm is deterministic and runs in time \[\exp O( (\log\log n)^3 ).\]
\(\Psi\) is also the pseudo-square-free orders.
Find condition on \(n\) so that
\[|G|=n\Rightarrow G=H\ltimes B\]
\(H\) = Hard group theory,
\(B\) = Bad number theory.
Intuition: if a problem can be solved it cannot be where hard group theory and bad number theory overlap.
With \[|G|=n\Rightarrow G=H\ltimes B\]
Number Theory \(\Rightarrow\) hard group theory in \(H\) is tiny.
Group Theory \(\Rightarrow\) bad number theory makes \(B\) cyclic.
(The Group Theory)
A prime divisor \(p\) of \(n\) is isolated if given a prime-power \(q^k|n\), if \(p|(q^k-1)\) then \(k=0\).
Lemma (Dietrich-W. `18)
For every solvable group \(G\) of order \(n\) and every isolated prime \(p|n\), \(G\) has a unique Sylow \(p\)-subgroup.
Proof. (Hall) \(\exists P_i,~G=P_1\cdots P_t\), each \(P_i\) a Sylow \(p_i\)-sub. & \(P_iP_j=P_jP_i\). Let \(p_u=p\).
(Sylow) For \(i\neq u\), #Sylow \(p\)-sub. of \(H\) is \(q^k\) with \(q^k\equiv 1 (p)\).
By condition isolation, \(k=0\). I.e. \(P_u\lhd P_iP_u\).
\(\forall g_i\in P_i\qquad g_1\cdots g_t P_u=g_1\cdots g_i P_u g_{i+1}\cdots g_t=P_u g_1\cdots g_t.\)
\(P_u\lhd G\). \(\Box\)
Defn. A prime divisor \(p\) of \(n\) is isolated if given a prime-power \(q^k|n\), if \(p|(q^k-1)\) then \(k=0\).
Corollary (Dietrich-W. `18 arxiv:1810.03467)
For every solvable group \(G\) of order \(n\) and
\[\pi_n=\{p: p|n, p~isolated\},\]
\(G\) has a unique nilpotent Hall \(\pi_n\)-subgroup \(B\) and a all \(\pi'_n\)-subgroup \(H\)
\[G=H\ltimes B\]
All such \(H\) are conjugate in \(G\).
(The Number Theory)
A. 7919
B. 15671
C. 50021
D. 105397
A. 7919...think of that, nearly 1/8 numbers less than 8,000 is prime!
As primes are so abundant,
most integers factor into lots of distinct and big primes.
Theorem (Holder 1890)
A group of square-free order has a normal cyclic subgroup whose quotient is cyclic.
I.e. |G| square-free implies \(G\cong \mathbb{Z}/a\ltimes \mathbb{Z}/b\)
Theorem (Hardy?)
The density of positive integers \(n\) that are square-free is at least 60%.
History. (Erdős-Pálfy `86)
Looked a 2-way isolation condition using Brun Sieve methods, and the group theory that follows.
We adapted the conditions and proofs.
Thm (Dietrich-W. `18 arxiv:1810.03467).
The set \(\Upsilon\) of pseudo-square-free integers \(n\) where each prime divisor \(p|n\) is isolated, is dense in \(\mathbb{N}\).
Only consider \(n\) where
But don't worry most \(n\) are this way.
1-AbelRecog 2-AbelRecog FactorInt CanonicalBasis ExtDiscLog IsomorphismAbelMO
IsolatedHallFindMO IsolatedHallSplitMO IsomphismNilpotentMO
IsolHallSplitMetaCycMO Deconjugate
IsolHallSplitMO IsomorphismSolvableMO
(MO="Most Orders", i.e. \(\Psi,\Upsilon\))
1-AbelRecog 2-AbelRecog FactorInt CanonicalBasis ExtDiscLog IsomAbelMO
30% do the obvious abelian things
70% cite deep work...
on discrete logs (Gordan, Karagiorgos-Poulakis, Teske,...), Hermite Normal Form (Havas, Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz, Sims,...), Number Field Sieve (Buhler-Lenstra-Pomerance,...)
Given: group G
Return: isomorphism \[\alpha:\prod_i\mathbb{Z}/d_i\to G\] or prove \(\not\exists\).
Given: \(G,\tilde{G}\)
Decide: if \(G\) abelian and if so if \(G\cong \tilde{G}\).
Given: basis \(x_1,\ldots,x_s\in G\) and \(g\in G\)
Return: \(g=x_1^{e_1}\cdots x_s^{e_s}\).
Use only on torsion \(\leq \log \log n\)
Trosion \(\geq \log \log n\) is cyclic
\[\alpha,\tilde{\alpha}:\prod_i\mathbb{Z}/d_i\to G,\tilde{G}\]
Like abelian, peel off small torsion leaving number theory to explain the rest is cyclic.
Given: \(G,\tilde{G}\), \(|G|\in \Psi\)
Decide: if \(G\) nilpotent and if so if \(G\cong \tilde{G}\).
Given: \(G\), \(|G|\in \Psi\)
Return: Hall isolated prime subgroup \(B\)
Present \(G/B\) as \(B\) is recognizable.
Sylow-by-Sylow brute-force on \(H\), IsomAbelMO on \(B\).
IsolatedHallFindMO IsolatedHallSplitMO IsomphismNilpotentMO
Given: nilpotent \(G\),\(|G|\in \Psi\)
Return: \(G=H\times B\).
Take coprime powers.
\(\mathbb{Z}/a\ltimes_{\theta} \mathbb{Z}/b\) isomorphism determined by image of \(\theta\), which reduces to case \(b=q^f\) in which inside a cyclic group \(\mathbb{Z}/b^{\times}\).
Given: \(G=\langle x\rangle\ltimes \langle y\rangle\), \(gcd(|x|,|y|)=1\), \(|G|\in \Upsilon\);
Return: \(k\in \mathbb{N}\) \(y^x=y^k\)
Given: \(G\), \(|G|\in \Psi\)
Return: \(G=H\ltimes B\)
Present \(G/B\), build cyclic gen., coprime power.
Prime-by-prime reconstruct \(p\)-adic expansion of exponent \(k\).
IsolHallSplitMetaCycMO Deconjugate
Iteratively apply meta-cyclic method,
tricky because of need to reorder polycyclic sequence as you go (effective Jordan-Hölder).
Given: \(G,\tilde{G}\), \(|G|\in \Psi\)
Decide: if \(G\) solvable and if so if \(G\cong \tilde{G}\).
Brute-force on \(H\), IsomAbelMO on \(B\), and deconjugate iteratively.
IsolHallSplitSolvMO IsomSolvableMO
Given: solvable \(G\),\(|G|\in \Upsilon\)
Return: \(G=H\ltimes B\).
Multi-case applications of recursion and Meta-cyclcic
(General story)
An isolated prime divisor \(p\) of \(n\) is strongly isolated if for every nonabelian simple group \(T\) with order dividing \(n\), \(p\) does not divide \(|T|\).
Theorem (Dietrich-W. `20+)
For every group \(G\) of order \(n=2^e m\), \(m\) odd,
and every strongly isolated prime \(p|n\) with \(p>e\),
\(G\) has a unique Sylow \(p\)-subgroup.
Corollary (Dietrich-W. `20+)
For every group \(G\) of order \(n=2^e m\), \(m\) odd, and \[\pi=\{p: p>e, p|n, p~strongly~isolated\}\]
then \(G\) has a unique nilpotent Hall \(\pi\)-subgroup \(B\) and a all \(\pi'\)-subgroup \(H\)
\[G=H\ltimes B\]
All such \(H\) are conjugate in \(G\).
Aspirational Theorem A' (Dietrich-W. `21-\(\varepsilon\))
There is an algorithm to decide isomorphism of solvable groups of most orders in nearly-linear time.
Before best known time \(n^{O(\log n)}\), \(n\) group order.
Nearly-linear = \(O(n^2 (\log n)^c)\).
Theorem (Dietrich-W. `20+\(\varepsilon\)).
Group isomorphism of most orders \(n\) can be decided in time