Mystery curves

Mystery curves

Mystery curves


Explore mystery curves

Mystery curves

  1. Intuitive definition of mystery curves.
  2. How to construct these curves
  3. Explore some of its mathematical properties.
  4. Propose a challenge for you.


1. Definition

\left\{ \begin{array}{l} x(t) \\ y(t) \end{array} \right. a\leq t \leq b


\big(x(t) , y(t) \big)
Simple rotations
\left\{ \begin{array}{l} R \cos( \omega t) \\ R\, \text{sen}(\omega t) \end{array} \right. 0\leq t \leq 2\pi

1. Definition

\left\{ \begin{array}{l} R_1 \cos(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \cos(\omega_2 t)\\ R_1 \,\text{sen}(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \,\text{sen}(\omega_2 t) \end{array} \right.

1. Definition

Double rotations
\left\{ \begin{array}{l} R_1 \cos(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \cos(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \cos(\omega_3 t) \\ R_1 \,\text{sen}(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \,\text{sen}(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \,\text{sen}(\omega_3 t) \end{array} \right.

1. Definition


\left\{ \begin{array}{l} R_1 \cos(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \cos(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \cos(\omega_3 t) \\ R_1 \,\sin(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \,\sin(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \,\sin(\omega_3 t) \end{array} \right.

2. Construction in GeoGebra

R_1 = 1, R_2 = \frac{1}{2}, R_3 = \frac{1}{3}
\omega_1 = 1, \omega_2 =6, \omega_3 = -14

Mystery curve = ?

Steps to contruct Epicycles

A = (0, 0)
c = Circle(A, 1)
B = Point(c)
t = Slider(0, 2 pi, 0.001, 0.4)
B' = Rotate(B, t)
v1 = Vector(A, B')
d = Circle(B', 1/2)
C = Point(d)
C' = Rotate(C, 6 * t, B')
e = Circle(C', 1/3)
v2 = Vector(B', C')
D = Point(e)
D' = Rotate(D, -14 * t, C')
v3 = Vector(C', D')
locus = Locus(D', t)

a.k.a. GeoGebra Script

2. Construction in GeoGebra

Steps to construct mystery curve

R1 = 1
R2 = 1/2
R3 = 1/3
w1 = 1
w2 = 6
w3 = -14
fx(x) = R1 * cos(w1 * x) + R2 * cos(w2 * x) + R3 * cos(w3 * x)
fy(x) = R1 * sin(w1 * x) + R2 * sin(w2 * x) + R3 * sin(w3 * x)
a = Curva(fx(t), fy(t), t, 0, 2 pi)

a.k.a. GeoGebra Script

2. Construction in GeoGebra

3. Rotational symmetry exploration

{1, 6, -14}

{1, 6, -14}

3. Rotational symmetry exploration

What is the relationship between the frequencies \(\{1, 6, -14\}\) and the rotational symmetry of order \(5\)?


3. Rotational symmetry exploration




The greatest common divisor of \(-5, 20,\) y \(15\) is:


\(1, 6\) y \(-14\) congruent 1 modulus 5

\(1,6,-14 =1 \left(\text{mod} \, 5\right)\)

3. Rotational symmetry exploration

1. Look for rotational symmetries of order 3 and 4.

2. What is the order of symmetry of the numbers 2, 8, -10?

Note: The common factor for the numbers 2, 8 y -10 is 2.

3. Rotational symmetry exploration


  1. Define the values of \(R_1\), \(R_2\) and \(R_3\) using the command
    • ​​​RandomUniform( <Min>, <Max> )
      • ​Da por resultado un número real aleatorio a partir de una distribución uniforme en el intervalo [Mínimo, Máximo].
  2. Define the values of \(\omega_1\), \(\omega_2\) and \(\omega_3\) using the command
    • ​​RandomBetween( <Min> , <Max> )
      • ​Genera un número entero aleatorio entre el mínimo y el máximo (inclusive).


R1 = RandomUniform(0.5, 4.5)
w1 =  RandomBetween(0, 9)

3. Create a boton with the command UpdateConstruction()

3. Rotational symmetry exploration


R1 = RanformUniform(0.5, 4.5)
w1 =  RandomBetween(0, 9)

3. Create a boton with the command UpdateConstruction()

3. Rotational symmetry exploration


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3. Rotational symmetry exploration

c(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} R_1 \cos(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \cos(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \cos(\omega_3 t) \\ R_1 \,\sin(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \,\sin(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \,\sin(\omega_3 t) \end{array} \right.

4. More mystery curves

0\lt R_i\in \mathbb R, \;\omega_i\in \mathbb Z
(\cos t, \sin\, t)
=\cos t + i \,\sin \,t
= e^{i t}
\big(R_1 \cos (\omega_1 t), R_1 \sin (\omega_1 t)\big)
= R_1e^{i \omega_1 t}
i = \sqrt{-1}

4. More mystery curves

c(t)= R_1e^{ \omega_1 i t}+R_2e^{ \omega_2 i t}+R_3e^{ \omega_3 i t}
c(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} R_1 \cos(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \cos(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \cos(\omega_3 t) \\ R_1 \,\sin(\omega_1 t) + R_2 \,\sin(\omega_2 t) + R_3 \,\sin(\omega_3 t) \end{array} \right.
0\lt R_i\in \mathbb R, \;\omega_i\in \mathbb Z
c(t)= C_1e^{ \omega_1 i t}+C_2e^{ \omega_2 i t}+C_3e^{ \omega_3 i t}
C_i\in \mathbb C, \;\omega_i\in \mathbb Z

4. More mystery curves

c(t) = e^{it} + \dfrac{1}{2}e^{6 i t} + \dfrac{i}{3}e^{-14 i t}

4. More mystery curves

c(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \cos( t) +1/2\cos(6 t) +1/3\,\text{sen}(14 t) \\ \,\text{sen}( t) +1/2 \,\text{sen}(6 t) +1/3 \cos(14 t) \end{array} \right.

4. More mystery curves

Challenges in GeoGebra

c(t)= C_1e^{ \omega_1 i t}+C_2e^{ \omega_2 i t}+C_3e^{ \omega_3 i t}

1. Build mystery curves using complex numbers

2. Generalize the construction for \(n\) terms

c(t)= C_1e^{ \omega_1 i t}+C_2e^{ \omega_2 i t}+\cdots + C_ne^{ \omega_n i t}

4. More mystery curves



Share your work in GeoGebra Classroom: YHEG X7HK


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Book of activities: Mystery curves

Activity: Change of frequencies

Applets used in this presentation

Video Workshop - Institut GeoGebra Valencia

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