Cutting down on Content Debt
Who is this Josh?
Alternatively, an Introduction.
What’s content debt?
It's a lot like technical debt: the idea that writing easy code instead of reliable code will create compounding issues
for a website farther on down the road.
Several Months Later...
or in other words...
5 Types of Content Debt
- Misspellings / bad grammar
- Poor image selection
- Inconsistent formatting
- Junk markup
- Unused shortcodes
1. Misspellings and Bad Grammar
2. Poor Image Selection
Images should be of consistent
quality, size and position.
Trust the WordPress Theme Content Styles
Choose a format, and document it.
Embrace Continuous Improvement
Type 4: Junk Markup

<li style="line-height:1.8">A list item</li>
<p class="p1">Some paragraph text</p>
<div class="description">I wanted this
without the "div" tag.</div>
With Junk Markup
<li>A list item</li>
Some paragraph text
I wanted this without the "div" tag.
Without Junk Markup
Better Search Replace Pro
Type 5. Unused WordPress Shortcodes

Remove Orphan Shortcodes
Preparing for the Future
A Formatting Guide is an Editor's Best Friend
That's all, folks!
Any questions?