Senior Cloud Automation Engineer | Acxiom (IPG)
@jewelsjacobs |
Some Cloud things:
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Healthcare broker
MERN on Heroku
with Firebase OAuth to....
Offer tighter data integration with APIs for better user experience and broader market reach
Quick definition of FedRAMP from
FedRAMP facilitates the shift from insecure, tethered, tedious IT to secure, mobile, nimble, and quick IT.
Architect consultant: Hire a DevOps person and deploy a NIST QuickStart Template
Me: Use a serverless framework, train and empower the developers to own the infrastructure with guidance from a mentor
The migration discussion....
The fun stuff....
Shifting from PaaS to IaaS
paradigm shift from PaaS product integration like Firebase, mLab and Heroku to AWS Shared Responsability model
API and Services
Static / Front End
migration plan
Until CDK supported the injection of aws sdk api calls with the AwsCustomResource, I was not able to manage secrets in my CDK app.
AWS / Amazon was not GA when it came to CloudFormation support of CodePipeline, SecretsManager, Parameter Store, ECS, ECR and Cognito
With the support of the AWS CDK team and community interaction I was able to create a "multi-service", multi-account pipeline
Custom CDK Modules
Open Enrollment
90% of revenue
Rapid call center expansion
High stress
Constant Website triage
Tight Website feature demands
The yearly period when people can enroll in a health insurance plan
November - December