Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
bigQ - Center for Macroscopic Quantum States
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Main credits: Mikkel Vilsbøll Larsen - now at Xanadu
Crazy Cryogenics + individual qubit control
= pretty hard to scale up...
F. Arute et al., Nature 574, 505 (2019)
53 qubit sampling
Photonic quantum computing advantages:
→ use measurement-based quantum computing
instead of standard gate-based approach
Y. Wu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180501 (2021)
H-S. Zhong et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180502 (2021)
56 qubit sampling
144 mode, 113 photons Gaussian Boson Sampling
Photonics is ideally suited for this!
Coherent, high-fidelity qubit interactions
Creation of massively entangled cluster state
- the "computational substrate"
squeezed states
beam splitters
homodyne detection
Cluster state: graph state with regular lattice adjacency matrix \(\mathbf{A}\).
In CV:
Fullfils the nullifier condition: \((\mathbf{\hat{p}} - \mathbf{A}\mathbf{\hat{x}})\ |\psi_\mathbf{A}\rangle=0\)
Finite squeezing → self-loops (non-zero, complex-valued diagonal in \(\mathbf{A}\))
Our work is inspired by
Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers (1993)
Menicucci et al., PRL 104, 250503 (2010)
Uses temporal encoding:
S. Yokoyama et al., Nat. Photonics 7, 982 (2013)
Generate 1D cluster state following Yokoyama et al.:
Then, generate cylindrical cluster state (~2D) by "coiling up" the 1D string and stitching together
EPR adjacency matrix:
\(\mathbf{Z}_\mathrm{EPR} = \begin{pmatrix}i \cosh 2r & -i\sinh 2r \\ -i\sinh 2r & i\cosh 2r\end{pmatrix}\)
BS₂ induces new graph edges
\(\mathbf{Z}_\mathrm{1D}\) is not a true cluster state,
but a phase shift of \(\pi/2\) on every 2nd mode transforms it to \(\mathbf{Z}'_\mathrm{1D}\), a true (approximate) cluster state
Long delay makes nodes separated by \(N=12\) temporal modes adjacent
BS₃ now connects the graph in the second dimension
Nullifiers of the 2D graph state:
with variance \(\langle\Delta\hat{n}_k^{x2}\rangle=4e^{-2r_A},\quad\langle\Delta\hat{n}_k^{p2}\rangle=4e^{-2r_B}\)
The 8 modes making up the nullifiers constitute a unit cell of the graph.
λ = 1550 nm: squeezed light generation in free space, the rest in fibre
3 cavity locks + 7 phase locks (chopped)
50 m fibre = 247 ns delay
600 m fibre
Laser is cw; homodyne power spectra reveal detailed experimental parameters
We define "pulses" as temporal modes optimised for high squeezing
But how can we be sure the state is entangled (more precisely: inseparable)?
van Loock-Furusawa criterion for bipartition of \(S\):
Periodic, so enough to show inseparability of a unit cell
Complete inseparability: any bipartition is inseparable
Task: find suitable \(\hat{X}, \hat{P}\) for all 127 possible bipartitions of the 8-mode unit cell
\(\displaystyle \langle\Delta\hat{X}^2\rangle + \langle\Delta\hat{P}^2\rangle < \Big|\sum_{j\in \mathcal{S}_1} h_j g_j\Big| + \Big| \sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_2} h_j g_j\Big|\)
We find linear combinations of nullifiers as \(\hat{X}\) and \(\hat{P}\) for all 127 bipartitions of the unit cell
van Loock-Furusawa criterion is fulfilled if all nullifiers are squeezed by >3 dB
\(\displaystyle \langle\Delta\hat{X}^2\rangle + \langle\Delta\hat{P}^2\rangle < \Big|\sum_{j\in \mathcal{S}_1} h_j g_j\Big| + \Big| \sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_2} h_j g_j\Big|\)
Complete inseperability confirmed for 2 × 15000 modes
Science 366, 369–372 (2019)
To implement gates and circuits on a cluster state, it is reshaped into "wires":
Measuring a node in the computational basis removes it from the graph
With our \(N=12\) cylindrical graph,
we can project out 6 wires
Implemented gate:
\(\mathbf{\hat{q}'} = \mathbf{U \hat{q}} + \mathbf{N\hat{p}_i} + \mathbf{Dm} \)
Side effects of the gate teleportation:
Noise from finite squeezing
- achilles heel of CV-MBQC!
Measurement outcome-dependent displacement
- can be treated in post-processing
Both \(\mathbf{U}\) and \(\mathbf{N}\) can be characterised by gate tomography
(W. Asavanant et al., PR Applied 16, 034005 (2021))
- use correlations between output and reference input (entangled with input)
Carefully calibrated AWG (arbitrary waveform generator) + EOMs (phase shifters) implement fully programmable phase settings
frames of 228 modes - allows for full characterisation of 8 single-mode gates
- actually \(\hat F^j\hat P(\sigma)\) since \(\hat P(\sigma)\) cannot be done in one step
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Nature Physics 17, 1018 (2021)
is a universal multi-mode Gaussian gate set.
is a multi-mode Clifford gate set for GKP-encoded qubits
MV Larsen, C Chamberland, K Noh, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
PRX Quantum 2, 030325 (2021)
Similar platform, but modified architecture
Bosonic error correction with GKP naught states - requires only Gaussian gates.
Feed-forward of measurement results only required for non-Clifford gates
Non-Clifford T gate can be made from GKP magic state inputs
(Walshe et al., PRA 102, 062411 (2021))
At the qubit level, error correction by surface code
GKP error correction between every stabilizer measurement gate
We obtain a rather good squeezing threshold of 12.7 dB
Abhinav Verma
Ulrik Andersen
Subhashish Barik
Casper Breum
Lucas Faria
Mikkel Larsen