Project Proposal
Draft 1 (Static Mockup)
Draft 2 (React)
Final Version
We will also provide accommodations for illnesses/etc.
While the task maybe to implement a program, the work you need to do for this class is to learn the material. AI can help you with the task, it cannot help you with the work. recognition != recall
For full details, see the syllabus on Canvas
Do the "Start Here" steps on Canvas
Start through week 1's tasks!
Watch for and respond to messages about forming groups
A command line package manager ("app store") that comes with Node.js. used to manage external libraries and applications.
npm install -g PACKAGE_NAME
(whole computer) install command line programs.
to download and run without installing
npm install PACKAGE_NAME
locally (per project) install a new code package and record it in the
package.json file.
npm install
locally install all of the package.json listed dependencies for a project.
Exercises contain test suites that you can use to check your work. Run these tests using the Jest test framework:
Optional: install jest globally (or just use npx)
npm install -g jest
Run a particular test suite (e.g., for problem-name.spec.js):
npx jest problem-name
# or if installed:
jest problem-name
Install the dependencies listed in package.json
# must be in project dir
npm install
Problem Set repositories are set up to automatically run the Jest grader when pushed to GitHub.
GitHub checks per commit, on the entire repo--not on individual problem folders. You will only see the green check when the entire set is completed!