For the Final Draft of the project, we're looking for it to be totally complete! See the Canvas page for full details.
Final Projects will be graded in two parts:
Firebase is a web backend solution; it provides multiple features which you can access without need to "code" them yourselves.
An effect hook is used to specify "side effects" of Component rendering -- code you want to execute only once and not on each render!
//import the hooks used
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function MyComponent(props) {
const [stateData, setStateData] = useState([]);
//specify the effect hook function
useEffect(() => {
//code to do only once here!
//asynchronous methods (like fetch), etc
fetch(dataUri) //e.g., send AJAX request
setStateData(data); //okay to call state setters here
}, []) //array is the second arg to the `useEffect()` function
//It lists which variables will "rerun" the hook if they
In order to "clean up" any work done in an effect hook (e.g., disconnect listeners), have the callback return a "cleanup function" to execute.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function MyComponent(props) {
//specify the effect hook function
useEffect(() => {
// persistent work, set up subscriptions, etc
//function to run when the Component is being removed
function cleanup() {
console.log("component being removed")
return cleanup; //return function for React to call later
}, [])
return ...
Complete task list for Week 9 (all items
Review everything
Problem Set 09 due tonight!
Next time: Firebase authentication and image storage