A Generative Model for Volume Rendering

Matthew Berger, Jixian Li, and Joshua A. Levine


Similar to InSituNet

The general idea is to take a "view" and a discretized transfer function, and produce a volume rendered image.

Learns representation of volume


Volume Rendering

The General Idea

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) again


A Tale of Two GANs

Opacity GAN

Color GAN

Composing these gives the full generator



A Tale of Two GANs

Why two gans?

  • The complex relationship between parameters makes it hard to stabilize training --- this is a common problem for GANs of this structure (largely 'fixed' by Progressive GANs)
  • It is relatively easier to train a GAN to generate a low-resolution image (which is often stable)
  • Image-to-image upscaling DCGANs are also quite stable

A Tale of Two GANs

Opacity GAN

A Tale of Two GANs

Color GAN


Training Data

Acquiring data is relatively easy.

  • Fix the model
  • A view is randomly chosen
  • A color image and opacity image are rendered

view: (azimuth sin, azimuth cos, elevation, in plane rotation, distance to camera)

200,000 samples generated per model



Not much interesting here

Opacity GAN:

  • Learning rate = \(2\times10^{-4}\), halved every 5 epochs
  • Typical Wasserstein loss
  • Unsure about discriminator-generator ratio

Color GAN:

  • Learning rate = \(8\times10^{-6}\), halved every 8 epochs
  • Color transfer function represented in LAB space
  • Typical DCGAN loss
  • Unsure about discriminator-generator ratio


Other Experiments

Transfer function sensitivity

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Transfer function sensitivity

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Transfer function sensitivity

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Latent space exploration

High dimensional points, use tSNE to reduce dimensionality (to 2D)

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