CPSC 355: Tutorial 17

Floating Point Operations

PhD Student

Fall 2017

Floating Point Arithmetic

ARMv8 has 32 floating point registers (sort of, they're actually 128bit, but ignore that for now)

  • d0-d31 are 64 bit double precision registers
  • s0-s31 are the lower 32 bits of these registers and are used for single precision FP operations
  • d8-d15 are callee saved registers
  • d0-d7 and d16-d31 may be overwritten by subroutines.
  • d0-d7 are used to pass floating point arguments into a function

Floating Point Arithmetic

An example function...

double approximate(double x, double y, int iterations) {
    // d0 contains x
    // d1 contains y
    // w0 contains iterations

    // do some calculations

    // return value goes in d0 
double approximate(int iterations, double x, double y) {
    // d0 contains x
    // d1 contains y
    // w0 contains iterations

    // do some calculations

    // return value goes in d0 

Floating Point Arithmetic

An example function...

int approximate(double x, double y, int iterations) {
    // d0 contains x
    // d1 contains y
    // w0 contains iterations

    // do some calculations

    // return value goes in w0 
int approximate(int iterations, double x, double y) {
    // d0 contains x
    // d1 contains y
    // w0 contains iterations

    // do some calculations

    // return value goes in w0 

Floating Point Arithmetic

  • fmov S/Dd, S/Dn: move S/Dn into S/Dd
  • fmov S/Dd, #fpimm: move immediate value into S/Dd (pretty limited must be of the form \(\pm n / 16 \times 2^r\) where \(n \in [16, 31]\) and \(r \in [-3, 4]\))
  • fcvt Sd, Dn: Convert Dn to single prec. Sd
  • fcvt Dd, Sn: Convert Sn to double prec. Dd
  • fadd, fsub S/Dd, S/Dn, S/Dm: Add or subtract S/Dn, S/Dm, place result in S/Dd
  • fmul S/Dd, S/Dn, S/Dm: S/Dd = S/Dn * S/Dm
  • fdiv S/Dd, S/Dn, S/Dm: S/Dd = S/Dn / S/Dm
  • fmadd S/Dd, S/Dn, S/Dm, S/Da: S/Dd = S/Da + S/Dn * S/Dm

Floating Point Arithmetic

  • fabs S/Dd, S/Dn: S/Dd = abs(S/Dn)
  • fneg S/Dd, S/Dn: S/Dd = -(S/Dn)
  • fcmp S/Dn, S/Dm: Compares two registers, stores result in condition flags
  • fcmp S/Dn, #fpimm: Compares register and immediate value, stores result in condition flags

An example...

Taylor Series

Recall the taylor series of an infinitely differentiable function (i.e. holomorphic or analytic function) 

f(x) = \displaystyle\sum^\infty_{n=0} \frac{f^{(n)}(a)}{n!}(x-a)^n

Or its Maclaurin expansion

f(x) = \displaystyle\sum^\infty_{n=0} \frac{f^{(n)}(0)}{n!}x^n

For \(e^x\) we have

e^x = \displaystyle\sum^\infty_{n=0} \frac{x^n }{n!}

Taylor Series

We can stop after some amount of terms in the sum

e^x \approx \displaystyle\sum^j_{n=0} \frac{x^n }{n!}

In a machine, eventually we start to lose precision, so we stop after the terms stop decreasing the approximation beyond a threshold

Taylor Series

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

double taylor_exp(double x) {
    double n = 0;
    double nfact = 1;
    double exp, exp_old;
    double xx = 1;

    exp = 1.0;

    do {
        n += 1.0;
        nfact *= n;
        xx *= x;

        exp_old = exp;
        exp += xx/nfact;

    } while(fabs(exp_old - exp) > 1e-10);
    return exp;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("%f\n", taylor_exp(0.0));
    printf("%f\n", taylor_exp(1.0));
    printf("%f\n", taylor_exp(2.0));

Taylor Series

fmt1: .string "%f\n"
threshold: .double 0r1e-10 // A double prec. constant

.balign 4
.global main
   stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
   mov x29, sp

   fmov d0, xzr
   bl taylor_exp

   adrp x0, fmt1
   add x0, x0, :lo12:fmt1
   bl printf

   fmov d0, 1.0
   bl taylor_exp

   adrp x0, fmt1
   add x0, x0, :lo12:fmt1
   bl printf

   fmov d0,2.0
   bl taylor_exp

   adrp x0, fmt1
   add x0, x0, :lo12:fmt1
   bl printf

   ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16

Taylor Series

taylor_exp: // d0 is the first argument
n_s       = 16
nfact_s   = 24
exp_s     = 32
exp_old_s = 40
xx_s      = 48

   stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]! // Standard stack setup/teardown
   mov x29, sp

   fmov d1, xzr             // Convert 0 to a double
   str d1, [x29, n_s]       // n = 0.0

   fmov d1, 1.0
   str d1, [x29, nfact_s]   // nfact = 1.0
   str d1, [x29, xx_s]      // xx = 1.0
   str d1, [x29, exp_s]     // exp = 1.0

   ldr d1, [x29, n_s]       // loading and storing to addrs works just as it does for x       
   fmov d2, 1.0             
   fadd d1, d1, d2          // d1 = d1 + 1
   str d1, [x29, n_s]       // n = d1

   // Build up the factorial over each iteration of the loop
   ldr d2, [x29, nfact_s]
   fmul d2, d2, d1
   str d2, [x29, nfact_s]   // nfact = nfact * n = n * (n-1)!

   ldr d3, [x29, xx_s]
   fmul d3, d0, d3
   str d3, [x29, xx_s]      // xx = x*xx = x^n

Taylor Series

   ldr d4, [x29, exp_s]
   str d4, [x29, exp_old_s] // exp_old = exp
   fdiv d2, d3, d2          // d2 = x^n / nfact
   fadd d5, d4, d2          // d5 = exp + x^n/nfact
   str d5, [x29, exp_s]     // exp = d5

   ldr d1, [x29, exp_s]
   ldr d2, [x29, exp_old_s]
   fsub d1, d1, d2          // d1 = exp - exp_old
   fabs d1, d1              // d1 = fabs(exp - exp_old)

   adrp x0, threshold       // Load the addr of the threshold
   add x0, x0, :lo12: threshold
   ldr d2, [x0]             // load threshold value into d2

   fcmp d1, d2              // fabs(exp - exp_old) cmp threshold
   b.gt exp_do_top          // if it still contributes to the upper 10 digits, keep going

   ldr d0, [x29, exp_s]     // load ~exp(x) into d0 (return value)
   ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64   // stack teardown

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