Developing and challenging forms and conventions.
Developing and challenging forms and conventions.
Sven E Carlson's music video theory is the suggestion that music videos are sorted into two categories: performance and conceptual. Conceptual looks into how the message is encoded by the audience, whereas performance focuses on the entertainment value of the product, taking more interest in the dancing and singing. This can be applied to my music video as we use dance routines in our music video, therefore being categorised under performance.
An example of this would be that throughout the music video, there is lots of dance used within the chorus' and the bridge of the song and the rest of the time is mainly the artists lip syncing to the song. It follows a brief storyline of getting over an ex, although this is not the focus of our music video as to make sure it followed the performance category more.
Developing and challenging forms and conventions.
Andrew Godwin's theory focuses on five key features: music vs. visuals, star image, record label control, voyeurism and genre characteristics. These all relate to how artists use their representations in order to promote themselves. One section of this is called meta narrative. An example of this would be how Ariana Grande highlights the changes of her appearance from being a stage a screen star as a teenager and young adult, to suddenly being an internationally renowned pop star with an over sexualised appearance in comparison
The look of our artists shows a sense of individuality and shows a strong image of being independent. Having both a male and female representation means that we are appealing to a large audience and they have a positive role model to look up to, showing them being able to overcome the setbacks they had faced previously and also being successful as they advance in the level of sophistication of clothes they are wearing.
Developing and challenging forms and conventions.
Michael Shore's theory focused on appealing the teenage male demographic, including heavy aspects of power, wealth, speed and girls. With him believing that music videos are only aimed at this particular, females are often sexualised to appeal to the male gaze theory, as well as the men being shown to have more power than the females, often dripping in wealths surrounding them.
We decided to subvert this theory by putting both genders on the same level, both being shown to have power over a situation. A particular example of this would be when the two models are shown to be making a mess within the office space. We also subvert the sexualisation of females within our music video as our female model often wears covering clothes such as jeans and jackets, however, this theory has also been conformed to as she shows more flesh throughout the music video, wearing dresses and lowering her jacket down.
The main purpose of our music video is to entertain our audience and to also make sure that the likes and needs of our target audience is met. My group and I aimed to make our music video entertaining by using bright colouring and a house style throughout the product. Another aim of our music video is to promote the song and artists themselves, creating a star image and helping in creating a fan base who like both the artist and the video.
Main purposes of camera...
Within our music video, we used many different shots in order to make sure our audience remained captivated throughout the product. One shot we used a lot was a close up as we wanted the audience to feel like they are getting closer to the audience and therefor feel more personally interested within the video. We also used long shots in order to record the dance sections as we wanted to fit all of the dancers in and be able to show the dance in its entirety to the audience.
Many of the angles that we used were a eye level angle that was looking straight at our two artists. However, we also used a low angle in order to show that the artists feel like they now have control over the situation. A specific example would be in the chorus when it says 'showing you up like I know that I would' and there is a low angle to show new found confidence.
The movement of the camera varied throughout the video, using different movements such as panning and also having a still shot. The still shots were used so that we could keep the dancing within focus, but we also wanted to use a pan in order to make a more interesting shot within the music video. When recording each artist singing individually, we used both a steady cam and hand held, showing the difference in their behaviour throughout the music video
Main purposes of Editing...
Length of video
At the beginning of the music video when the music is slower, we use longer lengths of video as it fits the beat of the song better making an overall more aesthetically pleasing video. The cuts and transitions speed up in relation to the music in the background, so in the chorus when the beat picks up, so does the pace of the editing, both corresponding with one another.
Special Effects
We used two specific types of special effects within our video, one was a glitch and the other was a recording static overlay. For the glitching, we wanted to create a more unique edge to our video so by adding the glitch it helps to add to the star image that we have been creating throughout the music video as it is unique to them. The static overlay was used when the artists were outside to add a more personal touch to the video which would be appreciated by the fanbase as the appearance of the home videos make sit more relatable to the audience.
Cuts and transitions
Within the video, we use different cuts and transitions in order to create a more interesting product. We use match cuts to go between the different shots of the artists dancing and also when the artists are lip synching on the bridge. We use quick transitions to get from each piece of filming in order to keep the continuity strong throughout the video as this was pretty much the only form of cuts that we used.
Main purposes of Mise-en-scene...
We used basic costume within our music video for the majority of the time as we wanted them to be similar to our target audience, so we dressed them in jeans and casual t-shirts, before wearing more formal outfits when they become more confident within themselves.
Our artists were shown to be confident after a bad scenario, which empowers our audience as they can encode that they have been able to overcome wha has happened to them and are therefore making things better for themselves.
Our video contrasts between high-key and low-key lighting. When outside doing the dancing, we used high-key lighting and shadows were minimalistic, however, we contrast it with low-key lighting when there is a costume change, using coloured lights to vary our shots.
Make up
Both of the artists wear makeup within our video, showing a sense of individuality to the audience, showing them that they can be themselves no matter what others think of themselves
We use minimalistic props within our video as we wanted the main focus to be on the artists, however, we do props such as office papers in the destructive scene and also make up to show Minnie being pampered.
We used simplistic setting within our video, ones that our target audience will be able to relate to, such as a rustic, graffitied wall and the background of a public park, which people see on a regular basis.
Main purposes of ...
Within our video, we conformed to stereotypes as we wanted to appeal to our target audience that we are planning to sell too. We subverted the stereotypes however when we didn't use the male gaze theory as often as other music videos on this genre do as we wanted to detract the attention away from the sexual aspects of people.
Star Power
The main purpose of star power is to make sure that our artists stand out to others and have a sense of individuality about them. We did this by making sure that our artists were very confident in themselves and by wearing clothes that were personal to them that they felt comfortable in, but also show the fact that they are able to be themselves around people.
Our video converts objectification as it shows our artists being strong and independent as they are taking control of their lives, making sure they show people that they are able to take care of themselves without having to rely on people, which is different to other music videos of this genre as the women within music videos are often objectified and wear revealing clothes in order to appeal to the male audiences, but we have strayed from that concept
The main purpose of the story is that the audience can take away the message of the song easier and make a stronger connection to the song. For example, the small story within our video of being stronger after a bad situation backs up the vocals of now being too good to care anymore and have taken the high road, inferring to the audience to follow the same example.
The digipak created is another form of advertisement for the song. Not only does it feature the song in which the music video is about, but also showcases other songs the artist has worked on and tells the fanbase information about the artist, such as their record label so that they can continue to search more of the music. A digipak also gives the fanbases an exclusive look into the artist as it includes photos taken for the product only, similarly to the songs, making it limited to only the people who buy the product.
The magazine adverts purpose is to bring in a larger audience and to also promote the artists song and tour. A magazine advert helps to attract audiences that may have not come across Lewis unless they had seen it within the magazine as it appeals to a slightly different demographic to what the digipak and music video appeal to. It also includes a small detail on where to buy the album in order to improve the popularity of Lewis' music. Not only is the advert promoting the music but also the artists social medias, which run across the top of the page, appealing to the target audience of teenagers.
Main purposes of Editing...
Photo editing
I used colour correction and brightness increasers in order to make the photos clearer and brighter to the audience and overall it made the photos more aesthetically pleasing to look at for our target audience. I did the same effects on all of my photos as to keep a house style going throughout all of my products.
Special Effects
I added the same two special effects to my print products as were added to the music video as to keep up the house style. I used the tv lines within the magazine advert, similar to the ones used in the video. I also used glitches on the photos used within both print products as the music video has glitch effects throughout and wanted to bring all three products together by using something within all three.
I used the same three fonts throughout my print products as again I wanted to keep a strong house style throughout. I used two handwritten fonts in order to make it look like the artist had signed it himself, giving a more personal touch, and then the information is in a simpler sans serif font so that the audience can read it easier.
Main purposes of Mise-en-scene...
We used similar clothing as used in our music video as we wanted to keep up a certain house style and keep up the relatability the fanbase would feel to the artist.
Within the photos, I got our model, Lewis, to pose in various different ways so that I could have many photos on my products as when doing initial research, my target audience said that they prefer when there is more images to text.
I used high key lighting within my ancillary tasks in order to make a welcoming image for the target audience and also so that the photos in general looked brighter and more colourful
Make up
Lewis wears basic makeup within the photos, showing his more glamorous side. This also subverts stereotypes as often boys aren't shown to wear make up as it is said to be a more feminine aspect of a look.
I used block colours as my background for the photos as i believed this would be a more visually appealing image. Also, with all the different colours within my products, it makes t more unique as it isn't sticking to one certain colour scheme