Introducing Privilege

Discussion Question

What does it mean to have privilege?


a special right, advantage,
or immunity
granted or available
only to a particular person or group of people

Paper Toss Activity 

  • Get out a scrap sheet of paper
  • Tear off one corner of the paper and set it aside
  • Crumple the rest of the sheet into a ball
  • At the word GO, toss your paper ball
    into the recycling bin
  • Now let's talk...

Multi-Dimensional Model

  • Racial
  • Gender
  • Religion 
  • Ability
  • Aesthetic
  • Orientation
  • Citizenship
  • Socioeconomic Status

Privilege Quiz

If you would like to learn
about the privilege you enjoy,
take this quiz

Privilege Quiz

  • Write your score anonymously on your
    little scrap of paper
  • Drop the scrap paper into the basket
  • Wait patiently while your teacher redistributes
    the papers...
  • Let's try that paper toss activity again
    • Line up in numerical order,
      highest number closest to the bin

Let's talk again...

Some final thoughts...

  • You can't stop having privilege,
    so what should you do about it?
  • How can you reduce the negative impact
    of your privilege on others?
  • How can you use your own privilege
    to benefit those without?


Choose one dimension of your privilege to be aware of and continue checking it.