Comparisons of equality with tan and tanto (and its inflected forms) plus como

  • Again, this is purely a question of learning the grammar structures for these types of comparisons, and then using them.
  • In this presentation, we'll be learning how to use as many/much as expressions (tan/tanto/tanta/tantos/tantas + como) in 3 different grammar contexts.
  • This will allow us to create equal comparisons using:
  • verbs
  • adjectives
  • nouns

Structure 1: equal comparisons based on verbs

  • The structure is this:
  • [Person/thing 1] VERB + tanto como [person/thing 2]
  • This allows you to say that some person/thing performs an action as much as something or someone else.
  • Example: A toaster and a coffeemaker both cost $25.00.
  • La tostadora CUESTA tanto como la cafetera
  • La cafetera CUESTA tanto como la tostadora.

Structure 2: equal comparisons based on adjectives

  • The structure is this:
  • [Person/thing 1 + verb] 
    tan [adjective] como

    [person/thing 2]
  • This allows you to say that some person/thing is as [adjective] as someone or something else.
  • Note that in Spanish, the adjective has to agree with the first noun in the sentence, not the second one.

Structure 2: equal comparisons based on adjectives

  • Remember--the structure is this:
  • [Person/thing 1 + verb] + tan [adjective] como [person/thing 2]
  • We consider two of the houses on p. 228 to be equally pretty. We say:
  • La casa de los Rozo es tan bonitA como la casa de los Yassín.
  • What's the other way we could express the same idea?
  • Let's imagine a house where Ana's bedroom and her brother Diego's bedroom are the exact same size:
  • El dormitorio de Ana es tan grande como el dormitorio de Diego or
  • El dormitorio de Diego es tan grande como el dormitorio de Ana

Structure 3: equal comparisons based on nouns

  • The structures are:
  • [Person/thing 1 + verb] + tantO [masculine, singular noun] como [person/thing 2]
  • [Person/thing 1 + verb] + tantA [feminine, singular noun] como [person/thing 2]
  • [Person/thing 1 + verb] + tantOS [masculine, plural noun] como [person/thing 2]
  • [Person/thing 1 + verb] + tantAS [feminine, plural noun] como [person/thing 2]
  • This allows you to say that some person/thing has as much/many of some noun as someone or something else.
  • Examples begin on next slide.

Structure 3: equal comparisons based on nouns

  • Noun for comparison 1: piscinas, which is feminine and plural. 
  • Our structure is:
    [Person/thing 1 + verb] +
    tantAS [feminine, plural noun] como [person/thing 2]
  • Quantities: Este edificio de apartamentos tiene dos piscinas.
    Aquel edificio de apartamentos tiene dos piscinas.
  • Comparisons:
  • Este edificio de apartamentos tiene  tantas piscinAS como
    aquel edificio de apartamentos.
  • Aquel edificio de apartamentos tiene  tantas piscinAS como
    este edificio de apartamentos..

Structure 3: equal comparisons based on nouns

  • Noun for comparison 2: árboles, which is masculine and plural. 
  • Our structure is:
    [Person/thing 1 + verb] +
    tantOS [masculine, plural noun] como
     [person/thing 2]
  • Quantities: Mi jardín tiene 3 árboles. El jardín de mis vecinos tiene 3 árboles.
  • Comparisons:
  • Mi jardín tiene  tantos árbolES como el jardín de mis vecinos
  • El jardín de mis vecinos tiene tantos árbolES como mi jardín.