Thomas Ernst, Chester Spatt, Jian Sun
DeGroote School of Business
McMaster University
18th Central Bank Conference on the Microstructure of Financial Markets
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
October 19, 2023
Q1: Should retail flow be segmented out?
A non-random selection of the many papers on this topic
Q2: If retail orders are to execute away from the "toxic flow"
\(\to\) what is the best practice?
Where would $1.5 billion come from?
"Office hours with Gary Gensler"
Q2: If retail orders are to execute away from the "toxic flow"
\(\to\) what is the best practice?
Q2: If retail orders are to execute away from the "toxic flow"
\(\to\) what is the best practice?
Auctions welfare-dominant in:
Would like to know more re:
when, where, & the extent of the inefficiency?
Comment: No "tether" to a given stock/order size.
If costly participation
Cross-subsidization + ex ante allocation!
Chairman Gensler: "These auctions will include competition from possibly hundreds or thousands other market participants."
The paper: skeptical
Malinova and Park (2023):
propose AMM implementation for equity markets
\(\to\) estimate $-billions saving in transaction costs
\(\to\) in theory, should work best for the less toxic retail flow