Instructor: Katya Malinova
This slide deck was developed in collaboration with Andreas Park (University of Toronto)
usually post 2008
outside of traditional financial institutions
goal: disrupt existing FIs
this is really squishy ...
relative wage=avg wage in finance/avg rest of economy
Source: Philippon (AER 2015) "Has the U.S. Finance Industry Become Less Efficient?"
Source: Philippon (AER 2015) "Has the U.S. Finance Industry Become Less Efficient?"
Source: Philippon (AER 2015) "Has the U.S. Finance Industry Become Less Efficient?"
Ratio of the income of financial intermediaries to the quantity of intermediated assets
Source: Philippon & Reshef (JEP 2013)
Example: One of the first segments that were disrupted from the outside: equity trading
Source: Bloomberg News, Feb 20, 2015
Note: The biggest disruptors (the HFTs) came from the outside of the traditional system (kinda).
entire career streams disappear
MIT Technology Review, Feb 07, 2017
Markets get better: the post earnings announcement drift had been a long-standing puzzle in finance. ... It's gone.
Source: Martineau (UofT) (WP2017)
Fastest Computer in 1985!
"the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention."
Source: "Unlocking the human opportunity: Future-proof skills to move financial services forward"; PwC report for the Toronto Financial Services Alliance, April 2018
Key features
Approach: Propositions that are
based on EY 2017 FinTech report
Impact on incumbents: struggle to deliver the seamless and personalized user experience.
Consequence: ripple effect
based on EY 2017 FinTech report
Problem for incumbents
Source: EY FinTech Adoption Index 2017
Source: Philippon (2017)
Clayton Christensen: customers don’t buy products; instead, they hire a solution to help them complete a specific job at a specific time.
4. Big Tech Firms
3. Those that work to replace or change the financial system as we know it.
Lending and Borrowing
Wealth Management
Investment Banking Services
5% to cab firm and 10-day delay
International remittances: $600B (U.S.) p.a.
all in: 10% fees
Importance of Real-Time Payments
500M users in India
free international transfers at Interbank rates
used by >60% of total population in Denmark
Lending and Borrowing
price for loan
effort required to get loan
Lower losses than competitors
Example: Upstart
AI& Machine Learning
Example: Lending Club
Source: Jagtiani & Lemieux, 2017, Philly Fed Working Paper 17-17
Future: Scalability
Source: Jagtiani & Lemieux, 2017, Philly Fed Working Paper 17-17
some key changes in recent years:
Nokia's market shares for devices:
What did they pay for?
What do people value?
As banks move data into "the cloud," why do we need banks?