Learning from DeFi: Would Automated  
Market Makers  Improve Equity Trading?

Katya Malinova  &   Andreas Park


WFA 2024

Honolulu, June 28-30, 2024

University of Toronto
  • Blockchain: borderless general purpose value and resource management tool


  • DeFi: financial applications that run on blockchains
  • \(\Rightarrow\) brought new ideas and tools
  • one new market institution: automated market makers

Decentralized trading using automated market makers (AMM)

Liquidity providers

Liquidity demander

Liquidity Pool

AMM pricing is mechanical:

  • determined by the amounts of deposits 
  • most common:
    • constant product
    • #USDC \(\times\) #ETH = const

No effect on the marginal price

Key Components

  • Our question:
    1. Can an economically viable AMM be designed for current equity markets?
    2. Would such an AMM improve current markets?
  • Pooling of liquidity!
  • Liquidity providers:
    • pro-rated 
      • risk
      • trading fee income
    • use assets that they own to earn passive (fee) income
      • retain exposure to the asset
  • Liquidity demanders:
    • predictable price
    • continuous trading
    • ample liquidity

Existing asset holders, not market makers, do not aim for zero inventory!

Modelling Calibrate-able Liquidity Supply and Demand in an Automated Market Maker

Liquidity providers 

  • Deposit asset & cash when the asset price is \(p\)
  • While in the pool: balanced volume \(V\) + order imbalance \(p\to p'\)
  • Withdraw at price \(p'\)

Buy and hold

Provided liquidity

in the pool

  • \(\Rightarrow\)  positional loss relative to a "buy-and-hold" when \(p'\ne p\)
    • adverse selection
  • Arbitrageurs monitor the pool 
  • \(\Rightarrow\) LPs deposit/writhdraw at efficient prices!

Expected returns to liquidity providers over the "deposit period"

  • \(R\) = asset  return
  • \(F\) = trading fee
  • \(V\) = balanced volume
  • \(a\) = size of the liquidity pool

Similar to Lehar and Parlour (2023), Barbon & Ranaldo (2022).

(incremental) adverse selection loss \(L\) when the asset return is \(R=p'/p\)

fees earned

on informed

fees earned

on balanced flow

for reference:

  • If the asset price \(\searrow\) 10% the incremental  loss \(L\)  for liquidity providers is 13 basis points on the deposit
    • \(\to\) total loss=-10.13%
  • If the asset price \(\nearrow\) 10%, the liquidity provider gains 12 basis points less on the deposit
    • \(\to\) total gain =9.88%

For fixed  balanced volume \(V\) & fee \(F\):

  • Larger pool size \(a \to\) smaller shares of the fees
  • \(\Rightarrow \) LP return \(\searrow\) in pool size
  • Competitive liquidty provision:
    • \(\Rightarrow\) the upper-bound on pool size above which LPs lose money
    • we characterize this by \(\bar{\alpha}\) \(=\) fraction of the asset's market cap to be deposited to the pool

\(=\) 0

Liquidity Demander's Decision & (optimal) AMM Fees

  • Better off with AMM relative to traditional market if
    \[\text{AMM price impact} +\text{AMM fee } F \le \text{bid-ask spread}.\]
  • Two opposing forces when fee \(F\nearrow\) 
    1.  more liquidity provision
      \(\to\) lower price impact
    2. more fees to pay


competitive liq provision\(\to\) there exists an optimal (min trading costs) fee \(F >0\)

  • \(\to\) derive closed form solution
  • Fee \(F\) depends on asset return  distribution, balanced volume, quantity demanded

Similar to Lehar&Parlour (2023) and Hasbrouck, Riviera, Saleh (2023)

  • Optimal \(F\) is asset-specific to compensate LPs for asset-specific adverse selection losses!
  • Assumption: asset returns are exogenous to  trading (efficient prices)

What's next?


  • Calibrate to stock markets
  • AMM Feasible? 
    • Are the AMM costs at the optimal fee \(F\) \(<\) bid-ask spread?

Approach: daily AMM deposits

  1. AMMs close overnight.
  2. Market: opening auction \(\to\) \(p_0\)
  3. Determine optimal fee \(F\);
    LPs  deposit \(a\) assets and  \(c\) cash at ratio \(p_0=c/a\) until break even \(\alpha=\overline{\alpha}\)
  4. Liquidity locked for the day
  5. At EOD release deposits and fees
  6. Back to 1.

Background on Data

Special Consideration 1: What volume?

  • some volume may be intermediated

  • with AMMs: no need for intermediation
  • \(\to\) intermediated volume could disappear 
  • \(\to\) use volume/2
  • Some caveats, e.g.
    • arbitrageur volumes
    • larger volume if AMM has lower trading costs

Special Consideration 2: What's \(q\) (the representative order size)?

  • use average per day
  • take long-run average + 2 std of daily averages
  • (also avg \(\times 2\),\(\times 4\), depth) 

All displayed data CRSP \(\cap\) WRDS

  • CRSP for shares outstanding
  • WRDS-computed statistics for
    • quoted spreads (results similar for effective)
    • volume
    • open-to-close returns
    • average trade sizes, VWAP
  • Time horizon: 2014 - March 2022
  • Exclude "tick pilot" period (Oct 2016-Oct 2018)
  • All common stocks (not ETFs) (~7550).
  • Explicitly not cutting by price or size
  • All "boundless" numbers are winsorized at 99%.

Special Consideration 3:

Where to get returns and volume?

  • Approach 1: "ad hoc" 
    • "one-day-back" look
    • take yesterday's return and volume when deciding on liquidity provision in AMM
  • Approach 2: estimate historical return distribution


AMMs based on historical returns

  • average \(F^\pi=11\)bps

Average of the market cap to be deposited for competitive liquidity provision: \(\bar{\alpha}\approx 2\%\)

almost break even on average (average loss 0.2bps \(\approx0\))

average: 94% of days AMM is cheaper than LOB for liq demanders

average savings: 16 bps

average daily: $9.5K

average annual saving: $2.4 million

implied "excess depth" on AMM relative to the traditional market

Sidebar: Cash deposit requirements

  • Asset provision is not a problem: enough idle liquidity
  • But: AMM requires off-setting cash: \(c =a\cdot p(0)\).
    • Cash is not free: at 6% annual rate,  2bps per day.
    • Adds to fees
  • Several solutions:
    1. Narrow a range of returns for which to provide liquidity (akin to Uniswap V3) or circuit breakers
    2. Other mechanisms being developed 
      • ​Balancer protocol: same cash for many assets

\(\Rightarrow \) Need about 5% of the value of the shares deposited -- not 100% --  to cover up to a 10% return decline


  • AMMs do not require a blockchain - just a concept
  • could be run in the existing world (though there are institutional and regulatory barriers)
  • Our question:
    1. Can an economically viable AMM be designed for current equity markets?
    2. Would such an AMM improve current markets?
  • Answers:
    1. Yes.
    2. Massively.
  • Source of Savings:
    • Liquidity providers \(\not=\)  Citadel! 
    • \(\to\) no (overnight) inventory costs
    • \(\to\) use idle capital
    • \(\to\) + better risk sharing





Optimal fee \(F^\pi\)

average benefits liquidity provider in bps (average=0)

Insight: Theory is OK - LP's about break even

\(\overline{\alpha}\) for \(F=F^\pi\)

Need about 10% of market cap in liquidity deposits to make this work

actually needed cash as fraction of "headline" amount

Only need about 5% of the 10% marketcap amount in cash

AMMs are better on about 85% of trading days

quoted spread minus AMM price impact minus AMM fee (all measured in bps)

relative savings: what fraction of transactions costs would an AMM save? \(\to\) about 30%

theoretical annual savings in transactions costs is about $15B