3D Navier-Stokes equation
Shallow water equation
Quasi-geostrophic equation
Jule Charney
3D Navier-Stokes equation
Shallow water equation
Quasi-geostrophic equation
3D Navier-Stokes equation
Shallow water equation
Quasi-geostrophic equation
horizontal scale \(\gg\) vertical scale
3D Navier-Stokes equation
Shallow water equation
Quasi-geostrophic equation
horizontal scale \(\gg\) vertical scale
3D Navier-Stokes equation
Shallow water equation
Quasi-geostrophic equation
Coriolis + pressure \(\gg\) inertial forces
Apply curl to \(v\)
level-sets of \(\omega\)
Lie-Poisson system on \(\mathfrak{X}_\mu(S^2)^* \simeq C^\infty_0(S^2) \)
\(T_e^*G\simeq\mathfrak g^*\)
Casimir functions:
Finite-dim (weak) co-adjoint orbits:
Idea by Onsager (1949):
Miller (1990) and Robert & Sommeria (1991): (MRS)
2D Euler equations are not ergodic
...but perhaps MRS is "generically" correct
Flow ergodic except at "KAM islands"
Poincaré section of finite dimensional Hamiltonian system
To test MRS we need to:
(criterion in MRS)
On \(\mathbb{T}^2\) such discretization exists (sine-bracket)
[Zeitlin 1991, McLachlan 1993]
based on quantization theory by Hoppe (1989)
Numerical simulations support MRS on \(\mathbb{T}^2\)
[Abramov & Majda 2003]
MRS generally assumed valid also on \(S^2\)
However, non-structure preserving simulations by Dritschel, Qi, & Marston (2015) contradict MRS on \(S^2\)
DQM simulation yield persistent unsteadiness
Our mission: construct trustworthy discretization on \(S^2\)
Exists if \(M\) compact quantizable Kähler manifold
Idea: approximate Poisson algebra with matrix algebras
From 2D Euler
To isospectral
Let \(B\colon\mathfrak{g}\to\mathfrak{g}\)
isospectral flow
Analytic function \(f\) yields first integral
Casimir function
Hamiltonian case
Hamiltonian function
Note: Non-canonical Poisson structure (Lie-Poisson)
[Hoppe, 1989]
Complicated coefficients, expressed by Wigner 3-j symbols of very high order
~2 weeks to compute coefficients for \(N=1025\)
banded matrices
What is \(\Delta_N\) and how compute \(\Delta_N^{-1}W\) ?
(Naive approach requires \(O(N^3)\) operations with large constant)
\(O(N^2)\) operations
Note: corresponds to
\(N^2\) spherical harmonics
\(O(N^2)\) operations
\(O(N^3)\) operations
Isospectral flow \(\Rightarrow\) discrete Casimirs
Conjecture [M. & Viviani, 2020]
Fixed interval \([0,T]\), constant \(C=C(T,\omega_0)\) s.t. \[ \lVert\omega(t,\cdot)-T_N^{-1}(W^N(t))\rVert_\infty \leq C/N^2 \]
Classical global existence and uniqueness in \(L^\infty\) setting
\(\Longrightarrow\) \(L^\infty\)-norm conserved (it's a Casimir)
Toeplitz-Berezin quantization theory gives
Aim: numerical integrator that is
What about symplectic Runge-Kutta methods (SRK)?
[M. & Viviani 2019]
Given \(s\)-stage Butcher tableau \((a_{ij},b_i)\) for SRK
Theorem: method is isospectral and Lie-Poisson preserving on any reductive Lie algebra
Zonal jet and vortex structures on Jupiter
Copyright: NASA, Cassini Imaging Team
Simulation of unstable Rossby-Haurwitz wave
M. & Viviani
A Casimir preserving scheme for long-time simulation of spherical ideal hydrodynamics
J. Fluid Mech., 2020
M. & Viviani
Lie-Poisson methods for isospectral flows
Found. Comp. Math., 2020