Future opportunities
adjectives & adverbs
section 2.3
Section 2
Section 2
5-8, 10hw
Ex. 10 (translate) is marked as homework.
Suspension is temporary: you're taken out of school for a set length of time. Expulsion (being expelled) is permanent, and you'll have to go to a new school.
Polytechnic, University of Applied Sciences <> Vocational school
to drop out = a student quits a course or a school
5-8, 10hw
Options are the things and choices are our decision. Options & alternatives are fixed, choices aren't.
These are my options: A, B and C.
My choice is A.
I don't have any other choice.
I'm out of options.
Section 7: Grammar
Lue säännöt läpi: vihreä laatikko + Grammar slides.
Huom.: alhaalla vasemmalla > laajennettu diasarja.
Section 7: Grammar
Lue säännöt läpi: vihreä laatikko + Grammar slides.
Huom.: Oppilaitoksen yhteinen sisältö > laajennettu diasarja.
Tee lopuksi vielä
adjektiivien ja adverbien
osio 7
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