Work in teams of 2 - 4
Covid-19 (LC, short composition)
text 4.1 (RC, vocabulary)
indefinite pronouns
Go through these slides
Section 7
Kumpi käännös on oikein?
1. Hän muistaa jokaisen pienen yksityiskohdan.
She remembers every/everything little detail.
2. Hänellä saattaa olla jotain uutta tietoa asiasta.
She may have some/something new information about the matter.
3. Ostitko yhtään tummaa leipää?
Did you buy any/anything brown bread?
4. Ei mikään tavallinen ruoka kelpaa hänelle.
No/Nothing ordinary food is good enough for her.
1. Hän muistaa jokaisen pienen yksityiskohdan.
She remembers every/everything little detail. every
2. Hänellä saattaa olla jotain uutta tietoa asiasta.
She may have some/something new information about the matter. some
3. Ostitko yhtään tummaa leipää?
Did you buy any/anything brown bread? any
4. Ei mikään tavallinen ruoka kelpaa hänelle.
No/Nothing ordinary food is good enough for her. No
Miksi jokaiseen kohtaan valittiin lyhyempi muoto?
Lyhyttä (adjektiivista) pronominia käytetään, jos substantiivi seuraa jäljessä
Everybody likes this!
Ei kaksoiskieltoa:
*Nobody didn’t remember (kukaan ei muistanut)
Nobody remembered
*I hardly met nobody during the time I spent there.
I hardly met anybody during the time I spent there
muita kieltosanoja: Hardly / Scarcely / Rarely / Seldom /
without+ any...
Hardly anybody knew this.
She left without asking anything from anybody.
section 7
Read through the grammar: click the green boxes.
Don't forget to open the blue boxes, too!
Then do exercises 31-34, 36-39
- read the text
- listen to it
- look up words in the MOT dictionary
- remember to write words and expressions in your notebook or to mark them in the text
Practice the vocabulary: do exercises 3 (translate orally & check), 4, 9.
Practice your reading comprehension skills
in ex. 5&6 (summary!!) and your listening comprehension skills in ex.20 (Future Concerns - Choose the most suitable heading). Huom - tällainen harjoitus on uusi tehtävätyyppi YO-kuunteluissa: pitää valita sopivin (!) otsikko äänipätkälle tai kuvalle.
Watch the video in preparation of your essay
'KORONA/CORONA' ei käytetä englanniksi
-> the coronavirus
-> COVID-19 (ei artikkelia koska on kirjainlyhenne sanoista Coronavirus Disease 2019)
The COVID-19 vaccine
vaccinations against COVID-19
Koronapassi = an EU Digital COVID Certificate, a COVID Safe Ticket, a corona passport, a coronavirus pass, a COVID pass, a COVID Certificate Pass
glossary (Yale medicine)
How has COVID-19 affected you? What has been the effect of COVID-19? Has COVID-19 had an effect on you?
The fact that vaccination (from the Latin ‘vacca’ meaning ‘cow’) meant that pus from a sick farm animal was introduced into the human body was deemed at best disgusting, at worst sacrilegious. Nevertheless, after a while the undeniable benefits of vaccination became so apparent that Jenner’s theory won acclaim and he became famous for his discovery. He continued to carry out research until his death in 1823.
Read more: Famous Figures in the History of Vaccination
After the historic disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools are back open worldwide but education is still in recovery assessing the damage done and lessons learned. The pandemic affected more than 1.5 billion students and youth with the most vulnerable learners were hit hardest. Some gains already made towards the goals of the 2030 Education Agenda were lost. (source)
Researchers investigate the impact of the COVID-19 exceptional circumstances on schooling and student well-being in Finland
Launched in May as a collaboration between the University of Helsinki and Tampere University, the study examines how schooling, teaching and well-being have been affected by the exceptional circumstances that were introduced in Finland due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected through surveys that were distributed to basic education school teachers and other staff, students and their parents or guardians.
This is a universal crisis and, for some children, the impact will be lifelong.
Children are not the face of this pandemic. But they risk being among its biggest victims, as children’s lives are nonetheless being changed in profound ways. All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected, in particular by the socio-economic impacts and, in some cases, by mitigation measures that may inadvertently do more harm than good.
Moreover, the harmful effects of this pandemic will not be distributed equally. They are expected to be most damaging for children in the poorest countries, and in the poorest neighbourhoods, and for those in already disadvantaged or vulnerable situations. (source)
Study these texts in preparation for your essay. Pay attention to the vocabulary!
Section 4, KK2
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on education.
Write about your personal experiences.
Write a composition of 450–700* characters, following the instructions.
(*characters WITHOUT spaces)
check the deadline!
Vastauksen pituus on enintään 700 merkkiä. Ylityksestä seuraa pistevähennys.