Website Conventions

A convention of band websites is to have a social media bar that has links to the band's social media sites. This usually follows the user down the page, which is a technique we have used so that there is always an opportunity for interactivity.


This is the social media bar for Best Coast (above) and our website (right).

Another band website convention is to have a focal image on the homepage of the website. We have chosen to use a photo of the band members as our focal image.

Best Coast used the focal image as a purchasing opportunity, which we also did. However, their's used the album cover while ours used a photo of the band.

Another convention is to have the band's logo follow the user down the page. Best Coast used a logo with a transparent background so that it could overlay with the text. We have attached ours to the navigation bar at the top of the page.

A website convention is to have a  navigation bar at the top of the page that follows the user down through the site. Above is Best Coast's naviagtion bar and below is ours. We have included a shopping basket so that we can promote the purchasing opportunities on our site. We have included "music" and "shop" for purchasing opportunities, "about" and "contact" to provide the audeince with onformation, and  "gallery" as extra band content.

A convention we also used was to have a way for the audience to join the mailing list so that they can have more opportunities and can hear news about the band. We have done this using a subscription box at the bottom of our website (see top image). Best Coast used a small button at the top of their homepage to do their's (see bottom image).

Lastly, an important convention of a music artist's website is to include interactivity to engage and excite the audience.

Best Coast (see right picture) have done this by allowing the audience to click through the video gallery on their website.

We have achieved interactivity by using a click-through gallery for our band photos. This means the audience can access extra content by interacting with the website. (See left picture).