Feng Ling
Nawroth Mechanobiology
Helmholtz Pioneer Campus
2023 APS March Meeting - PP08.08
Motile cilia are microscopic, hair-like cellular protrusions that direct fluid flow for almost all Eukaryotic life forms
Understanding how ciliated organ function has direct consequences on human health and diseases (airway, cerebral flow, reproduction, ...)
Cilia manifest diverse motion despite their conserved structures
Cilia can coordinate in large numbers and organize in different spatial patterns for specialized flow functions
Roth, et al. (unpublished)
airway cilia
Larvacean funnel
Nawroth, Ling, et al.
Ciliated ducts that direct internal luminal flows are integral to animal physiology
Motile cilia are microscopic, hair-like cellular protrusions that direct fluid flow for almost all Eukaryotic life forms
Understanding how ciliated organ function has direct consequences on human health and diseases (airway, cerebral flow, reproduction, ...)
Cilia manifest diverse motion despite their conserved structures
Cilia can coordinate in large numbers and organize in different spatial patterns for specialized flow functions
Roth, et al. (unpublished)
airway cilia
Larvacean funnel
Nawroth, Ling, et al.
Ciliated ducts that direct internal luminal flows are integral to animal physiology
Motile cilia are microscopic, hair-like cellular protrusions that direct fluid flow for almost all Eukaryotic life forms
Understanding how ciliated organ function has direct consequences on human health and diseases (airway, cerebral flow, reproduction, ...)
Cilia manifest diverse motion despite their conserved structures
Cilia can coordinate in large numbers and organize in different spatial patterns for specialized flow functions
Roth, et al. (unpublished)
airway cilia
Larvacean funnel
Nawroth, Ling, et al.
Ciliated ducts that direct internal luminal flows are integral to animal physiology
Motile cilia are microscopic, hair-like cellular protrusions that direct fluid flow for almost all Eukaryotic life forms
Understanding how ciliated organ function has direct consequences on human health and diseases (airway, cerebral flow, reproduction, ...)
Cilia manifest diverse motion despite their conserved structures
Cilia can coordinate in large numbers and organize in different spatial patterns for specialized flow functions
Roth, et al. (unpublished)
airway cilia
Larvacean funnel
Nawroth, Ling, et al.
Ciliated ducts that direct internal luminal flows are integral to animal physiology
Motile cilia are microscopic, hair-like cellular protrusions that direct fluid flow for almost all Eukaryotic life forms
Understanding how ciliated organ function has direct consequences on human health and diseases (airway, cerebral flow, reproduction, ...)
Cilia manifest diverse motion despite their conserved structures
Cilia can coordinate in large numbers and organize in different spatial patterns for specialized flow functions
Roth, et al. (unpublished)
airway cilia
Larvacean funnel
Nawroth, Ling, et al.
Ciliated ducts that direct internal luminal flows are integral to animal physiology
Ciliary Carpet
Ciliary Flames
Ciliated Funnel
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Ciliary Carpet
Ciliary Flames
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Ciliary Carpet
Ciliary Flames
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Prescribing the 1D wave by setting
\(\bm{v}_c = \begin{cases} \bm{0} & y\in (h/2, H-h/2)\\ v_c(x,t) {\bm{e}}_x & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\)
\(\zeta_c =\begin{cases} 0 & y \in (h/2, H-h/2)\\ \bar\zeta_c\left(\partial_x x_c(x,t)\right)^{-1} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \)
with \(\bar\zeta_c =\bar\rho_c\dfrac1{Lh}\dfrac{F_{drag}}{v_c}=3\pi\mu\bar\rho_c^2\), and
\(F_{drag}=(\bar\rho_cL)( h/{2r_{pore}})(6\pi\mu r_{pore}v_c)\)
Since \(x_c=x_c(kx-\omega t)\) is a traveling wave, only need to solve for \(\bm{u}\) at \(t=t_o\)
\(x_c(x,t) = x + \epsilon \cos(2\pi x/L+\omega t)\)
\(\langle v_c\rangle_x=\frac{1}{L}\int_0^L v_c(x,0)\,\mathrm{d} x=\pi \omega\epsilon^2/L\)
\(v_c(x_c,t) = \dfrac{\partial x_c}{\partial t}, \rho_c(x_c,t) = \bar\rho_c \left( \dfrac{\partial x_c}{\partial x} \right)^{-1}\)
Taylor (1951) & Blake (1971)
Pak, Lauga, Proc. R. S. A (2009)
Nawroth, Ling, et al. ???
For simplicity, we only consider one-way coupling of cilia driven velocity as drag forces on to the fluid
Resulting equations are solved numerically via mixed FEM
\(-\nabla^2 \bm{u} + \nabla p + \zeta_c(\bm{u}-\bm{v}_c) = \Delta p/L\cdot\bm e_x\)
\(\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u} = 0\)
Nawroth, Ling, et al. ???
\(\Delta P\)
\(U=\int_0^L\bm u\cdot\bm e_x\)
\(10^{-3}\) [Pa\(\cdot\)s]
\(15\sim30\) [Hz]
\(100\) [μm]
\(5-200\times10^{-6}\) [m]
\(0-100\) \(Pa\)
\(\leq \omega L /(4\pi)\)
fluid viscosity
wave frequency
imposed wavelength (wave number \(=1\))
wave amplitude \(\in(0,\lambda/2\pi)\)
cilia-to-lumen ratio
duct lumen diameter
adverse pressure gradient
material constraint constant
mean flow speed
Nawroth, Ling, et al. ???
In absence of adverse pressure,
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
In stark contrast, even mild adverse pressure can reverse the net flow!
In absence of adverse pressure,
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
In absence of adverse pressure,
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
However, unlike the case of ciliary carpets, ciliary flames is much more robust against adverse pressure!
In absence of adverse pressure,
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
\(\mu\) - viscosity; \(\omega\) - cilia beat frequency; \(L\) - ciliary wavelength
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
\(\mu\) - viscosity; \(\omega\) - cilia beat frequency; \(L\) - ciliary wavelength
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
\(\mu\) - viscosity; \(\omega\) - cilia beat frequency; \(L\) - ciliary wavelength
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
more open space in the duct
less open space in the duct
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Convergence of ciliated duct designs follows functional and efficiency constraints rather than phylogenetic distance!
high \(h/H\) small \(H\) \(\rightarrow\) better for pressure generation (filtration/valve)
low \(h/H\) large \(H\) \(\rightarrow\) better for flux generation (bulk transport)
a continuous design spectrum emerges in accordance with the biological data.
Nawroth, Ling, et al (2023)
Nawroth, Ling, et al. (2022)
Nawroth, Ling, et al. (2022)
Nawroth, Ling, et al. (2022)
EU ERC StG: MecCOPD S-701477-5100-350
NIH R01: 1R01HL153622-01A1
NSF INSPIRE: 1608744
ONR: N00014-17-1-2062
ARO: W911NF-16-1-0074