Functional JavaScript and Ramda.js

Zhuoran (John) Li

What is FP? 🤯

A programming paradigm mapped from mathematical functions








Pure Function 💦 

Given the same input, will always return the same output and produces no side effects

// Pure
const add = (a, b) => a + b

add(1, 2) // 3
add(1, 2) // 3

[1, 2, 3].slice(0, 1) // [1]

// Impure
let a = 1;

const increment = n => a += n

increment(1) // 2
increment(1) // 3

[1, 2, 3].splice(0, 1) // [1]

Math.random() // 0.8227538687335922
Math.random() // 0.6780092463695311

In Reducer

Side Effects ✍️

  • I/O (reading and writing a file)
  • Calling an API to modify an object
  • Mutations
  • Calling any other functions with side-effects

Using side effects is NOT forbidden!


Transforms a function with multiple arguments into a sequence/series of functions each taking a single argument.

const add = a => b => a + b

const increment = add(1)

const increment(2) // 3 === add(1)(2)

Pointfree Style!

Cleaner and More Expressive

const water = cond([
  [equals(0),   always('water freezes at 0°C')],
  [equals(100), always('water boils at 100°C')],
  [T,           temp => `nothing special happens at ${temp}°C`]

const isEligibleToVote = both(isOverEighteen, isCitizen)
const water = temperature => cond([
  [val => equals(0, val),   val => always('water freezes at 0°C')],
  [val => equals(100, val), val => always('water boils at 100°C')],
  [T,           temp => `nothing special happens at ${temp}°C`]

const isEligibleToVote = age => 
        val => isOverEighteen(val), 
        val => isCitizen(val)

Another Example

(code snippet from our product)

🥳 After  
🤪 Before  

Function Composition

Applying a function to the output of another function


compose(h, g, f)(x)

const toAlladin = compose(g, f)

const toAlladin = pipe(f, g)


compose: right -> left

pipe: left -> right


More Examples

(Code snippet from our product)


🤓 Simplified Answer:

A functor is an object that has a map method

Better Answer

🧐 A functor in an object that obeys the functor laws

Identity and Associativity

// Identity
[2].map(x => x) === [2]

// Associativity
const f = x => x * 2
const g = x => x + 2

[2].map(g).map(f) === [2].map(compose(f, g)) // [8] [8]

Bonus Track:

Tagged Union (Sum Types),

Redux and calling API

UI Design:

  • Initial state
  • Loading state
  • Success state
  • Error state


(Not Asked)

Verifying One-time URL


Invalid URL


Valid URL


Remote Object - Tagged Union (Sum Types)

Verifying One-time URL

Error (e.g. Invalid Reset Password URL)

Initial State


You can chain Remote during rendering

Productivity plugin in Alfred

The End