Luisa Cutillo
Lecturer at the University Parthenope of Naples, IT
Visiting academic at the Dep. of Computer Science, Sheffield, UK
Twitter: @luisa_cutillo78
Why is Biology a growing application area of Machine Learning?
Machine Learning and Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics applies mathematics, computer science, and statistics techniques to understand and organises the information associated with the biological data
Main Limitation:
Bioinformatics is sometimes driven by the need to make most of small sample size!
Why ML in Bioinformatics?
size and number of available biological datasets have skyrocketed: Bioinformatics screams out for ML!
Applications to big biological data
ML in Genomics
study the complete DNA of an organism
ML in Proteomics
Protein folds into a 3-dim structure
Protein secondary structure prediction
amino acids of a protein sequence are classified in helix, sheet, or coil (structural classes) using DeepCNF (deep convolutional neural fields): it relies on artificial neural networks to achieve high accuracy (~ 84%) [paper link]
ML in Microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis
monitoring the expression of genes within a genome (microarray)
reveal the presence and quantity of RNA in a biological sample (RNA-seq)
radial basis function networks, deep learning, Bayesian classification, decision trees, and random forest
ML in Microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis
Microarrays VS RNA-SEQ
ML in Microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis
Bulk VS Single Cell RNA-SEQ
Single Cell RNA-seq
Bulk RNA-seq
ML in System Biology
Aim: study of complex interactions in biological systems of simple biological components (e.g. DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites) in a system.
ML: aid in the modelling of these complex interactions in domains such as genetic networks, signal transduction networks, and metabolic pathways. Methods: Probabilistic graphical models, transcription factor binding sites using Markov chain optimization, Genetic algorithms
ML in Text Mining
Aim: knowledge extraction -> searching through and compiling all the relevant available information on a given topic across all sources.
ML: knowledge extraction task using techniques such as natural language processing and Text Nailing
Examples of applications: automatic annotation of the function of genes and proteins, determination of the subcellular localization of a protein, analysis of DNA-expression arrays, large-scale protein interaction analysis, and molecule interaction analysis.
ML in Bioinformatics
Luisa Cutillo and Research Software Engineer (RSE) team, University of Sheffield