Luisa Cutillo1, Valeria Policastro2, Annamaria Carissimo2
1 University of Leeds, UK
2 IAC, CNR, Naples, Italy
Networks are mathematical representations of interactions among the components of a system and can be modelled by
Networks are mathematical representations of interactions among the components of a system and can be modelled by
Weighted Case
vertices can be divided in groups
nodes belonging to the same group are densely connected
number of edges between nodes of different groups is minimal
Community Extraction, i.e. Graph Partitioning
communities of real world networks are not always defined objectively
they rarely have a unique community decomposition
which method to use?
computationally difficult task
number of communities, if any, is typically unknown
communities are often of unequal size and/or density
can we trust the recovered partition? Is it statistically significant?
Null Model for Weighted Graphs
Weighted configuration model (WCM) presented in as null random model. An edge of weight w is drawn between two vertices i and j with probability:
q(w) = pw(1 − p )
Perturbation strategy for Weighted Graphs
We propose to use a rewiring approach, which alters a specified number of edges using a series of Bernoulli trials to randomly rewire the network and determines the weight of the new edge between two nodes.
and on a set of Real Datasets without ground truth
Walktrap most stable results!
[1] Carissimo A., Cutillo L., De Feis I., (2017) Validation of community robustness. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 120, 1-24
[2] Policastro, V., Righelli, D., Carissimo, A., Cutillo, L., De Feis, I. (2021) R Journal 13:1,292-309
[3] Garlaschelli D. (2009) New Journal of Physics. 11, 073005.
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