Designed by Louis Kahn, Phillips Exeter Academy’s Class of 1945 Library has occupied a central and cherished place on the campus since it opened in 1971. It is widely considered one of the most significant 20th century buildings in America.
Ann Beha Architects
Sladen Feinstein Integrated Lighting Inc.
Rist Frost Shumway
Peter Vanderwarker
"Every building must have...its own soul."
- Louis Kahn
"The Lumato PL5N fixture, with its elegant and refined housing, met all of our design goals for direct and indirect lighting, providing a sense of loft not previously realized within the space."
- Ann Beha Architects
"The indirect illumination in each coffer visually lifts the ceiling height of the space and brings out the beauty of the concrete ceiling, while the fixture's direct illumination provides task light for student workspaces."
- Sladen Feinstein Integrated Lighting Inc.
14701 Saint Mary's Lane, Suite 625
Houston, Texas 77079