SCLD Extension

A Local Content website by

SCLD and The More Gooder Academy of the Ever So Smart

Continue the Content, Conversation, and Community

  • SCLD Extension should be an extension of the
  • A community of its own, from to SCLD’s Events, Members, Collaborators, and Classes
  • A place for: Content, Conversation, and Community to Continue

Our Niche

  • Sites are specific to their audience. SCLD has an established audience — leverage this

  • Not competing with:

    • Collect PNW

    • Inlander

    • YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

  • SCLD Extension content comes it’s community

Content From Community

  • Presenters: Bios, additional image, links to their social media, and additional info from presentations.
  • Classes: Additional instructional material, links used in class, and Instructor bios.
  • Events: Photo galleries, additional info, and future dates.  
  • Musicians: Gateway to musicians bio, songs, and social media.
  • Creators: Additional video, instruction, and links. Any content omitted for time limitations.