There are 5.6 billion Google Searches a day
63,000 queries a second (avg.)
But how high is the percentage of websites that actually
receive traffic from Google?
Not even 10 percent!

SEO in a Vue.js World 🌐
VueConf US 2020
About me

Alexander Lichter
Nuxt.js Core Team Member

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization
It's not rocket science!
Users first - Search engines second
Continuous work needed
Easy to get started with - Hard to master
Like web development, it is changing a lot
Search Engine Optimization
Important for pages search engines can crawl
Marketing pages, company & business sites
Forums, Help databases & FAQs
Blogs / Articles of any kind
Not relevant for
Content behind any kind of Authentication
Short-lived content
Three pillars of SEO

Link building
Meta tags
Social media
Page speed
Broken links
We focus on two of them

SEO and Vue.js
- Vue.js SPAs generate HTML through JS
Is JavaScript a problem for Search Engines?
Yes, for some...

- No content when JS is disabled or not loaded
...but mostly eastern one's
Can Google fetch and
index Vue.js SPAs?
Yes, but...
...meta tags aren't present, no preview when sharing links
...mistake in your JS could lead to indexing blank pages
...delayed content might not get indexed all
...indexing doesn't mean a page ranks well
...fragment router mode is bad for SEO
...extra work for multi-page applications
Can Google fetch and
index Vue.js SPAs?
...using "just" the SPA mode isn't ideal for SEO. It can work but solely relying on it is not enough
Yes, but...
What else if not SPA?
Server Side Rendering
...on the fly build time (JAMstack)

PS: You can also run your own setup for both, but it'll increase your owrk
Before we start with SEO
Set up your page in the Google Search Console

Before we start with SEO
Add an analysis tool to your website, e.g. Matomo or Google Analytics

Before we start with SEO
Bonus: Use a paid tool like Moz, Semrush or ahrefs to analyze your competition

Let's improve our SEO game
We will use Nuxt.js for most of the code examples shown
Can be used for both, dynamic SSR and JAMstack
Comes with vue-meta out of the box
vue-meta will make our SEO efforts enjoyable 🙌🏻
Examples can be easily applied to other frameworks, even to custom SSR setups
Examples will become more and more specific
Last but not least, users first!

What is vue-meta?
A Vue library to manage HTML metadata
export default {
metaInfo: {
title: 'My Example App',
titleTemplate: '%s - Yay!',
htmlAttrs: {
lang: 'en'
Plain Vue
export default {
head() {
return {
title: 'My Example App',
titleTemplate: '%s - Yay!',
htmlAttrs: {
lang: 'en'

Let's get it on!

SEO Category
Effort: 🔶
🔶 is low
🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶 is very high
Basic security

Effort: 🔶
- Enable HTTPS if you haven't done that already
- Set security headers like NOSNIFF
- Keep your CMS/staff accounts/... in good shape

Mobile Friendliness

Effort: 🔶 - 🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶
- A must have nowadays
- A lot of traffic comes from mobile devices
- Ranking factor
- Effort depends on current state

Text Compression

Effort: 🔶
- Also a must have for every page out there
- GZIP comes usually by default
- Brotli is faster and leads to smaller files
- Improves page speed
- to check if your site supports it + guides
Text Compression
- Nuxt enables GZIP out of the box with dynamic SSR
- Brotli can be enabled as well
- Usually the job of your web server or platform provider
- Pre-generate compressed assets to save time

Broken links & redirects

Effort: 🔶 - 🔶🔶🔶
- Make sure that you don't link to broken pages
- Check for broken links to your page
- Setup redirects for them
- Avoid redirect chains (/a -> /b -> /c)
- Effort depends on site and content size
Broken links & redirects
- Redirects possible through web server / platform provider
- Also realizable via Nuxt's redirect-module
/posts/how-to-load-dynamic-images-in-vue-and-nuxt-with-ea/ /posts/dynamic-images-vue-nuxt 301
/posts/going-jamstack-with-netlify-and-nuxt/ /posts/jamstack-nuxt-netlify 301
# ...
Netlify redirects
Canonical Links

Effort: 🔶
- Set a canonical link for every page
- It represents the preferred link/version of the page
- Use the same URL for pages with duplicate content
- Especially important in e-commerce
- Great for trailing slash enforcement
<link rel="canonical" href="">
Canonical Links
Web Server's duty
Canonical Links
export default {
components: {
/* ... */
head () {
const baseUrl = process.env.baseUrl // retrieve URL from env
const { path } = this.$route // get current route
const pathWithSlash = path.endsWith('/') ? path : `${path}/` // append trailing slash
return {
link: [
{ rel: 'canonical', href: `${baseUrl}${pathWithSlash}` } // Set canonical
Implementation in Nuxt layout

Effort: 🔶 - 🔶🔶
- Create a sitemap.xml for all relevant URLs
- Can be done automatically most of the time
- If you have many URLs (>10k), split them up
- You can also create sitemaps for images and videos
- Nuxt has a sitemap-module for generating URLs
sitemap: {
hostname: '',
gzip: true,
exclude: [
routes: [
url: '/page/3',
changefreq: 'daily',
priority: 1,
lastmod: '2017-06-30T13:30:00.000Z'
- Catches all static URLs, dynamic ones can be provided
- e.g. via API or file system
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:mobile="" xmlns:image="" xmlns:video="">
<loc></loc> <!-- The correct url -->
<lastmod>2019-12-05T00:03:26.000Z</lastmod> <!-- might be considered -->
<priority>1.0</priority> <!-- can be neglected -->
<!-- ofc there are more urls here in prod, lol -->

Effort: 🔶
- Add your sitemap there
- Deny crawling of some pages
- Don't try to hide admin pages that way
- Don't block your page from being crawled
User-agent: *
Disallow: /legal
Disallow: /privacy
User-agent: *
Disallow: /en
Optimize your assets

Effort: 🔶 - 🔶🔶
Optimized responsive images via <picture>
Mind the format and size
Remove metadata, compress lossy
Load lazily
- Improve JS via code-splitting, lazy-loading & treeshaking
- Cache all static assets, use hashes/fingerprinting
- Use descriptive file names for images!

Page Structure

Effort: 🔶🔶 - 🔶🔶🔶🔶
- Create a logical and hierarchical structure
- Don't nest pages too deeply (> 3 clicks)
- Make category pages worth indexing
- Link topic pages internally where possible
Cat 1
Cat 2
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4

Cat 1
Cat 2
Akryum's cat (Oreo)
URL Structure

Effort: 🔶🔶 - 🔶🔶🔶🔶
- Use short and descriptive URLs
- Remove stop words (and, the, a, ...)
- Enforce trailing slashes or remove them
- Place keywords inside
- Avoid query params
- Use hyphens as delimiters
- non-www or www
URL Structure
export default {
/* ... */
router: {
trailingSlash: true // Will enforce slashes
Consistent trailing slashes with Nuxt
Attention: Set up redirects for non-slash URLs
Semantic HTML

Technical / On-page
Effort: 🔶
- Use semantic HTML. For real!
- <a> when you change pages on click
- <button> when it's actionable and no link
- Use nav, footer, main, section where applicable
- Use headings appropriately & in hierarchy
v-for="(project, index) in projects"
To project
Alt Tags

Technical / On-page
Effort: 🔶
- Provide alt tags for your images
- Don't just stuff keywords in there
- Use real descriptions of the image!
- Bonus: Can be retrieved via AI nowadays
<img src="@assets/img/cute-dog">
Meta tags

Effort: 🔶 - 🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶
- Set utf-8 charset as well as the initial viewport
- Find the ideal title and meta description for each page
- Testing will be necessary but is worth it
- Use OG tags to improve link previews
- Effort depends on website size

Meta tags - Charset & Viewport
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
Can be set in nuxt.config.js or via @nuxtjs/pwa module
Using the latter will provide it by default...
...and also comes with other neat shortcuts
Meta tags - Title
Preferred format: Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
Going JAMstack with Netlify and Nuxt |
export default {
head: {
titleTemplate: c => c ? `${c} |` : ' - Alex\'s blog about things'
Suggested length: 50 - 60 characters
Leverage vue-meta's titleTemplate
export default {
head () {
return {
title: 'Going JAMstack with Netlify and Nuxt'
Define fragment in the page components
Meta tags - Meta Description
- Suggested length: 155 - 160 characters
Your chance to advertise the content
Good description -> high CTR
Define description in the page components
export default {
head () {
return {
title: 'Speaking'
meta: [
hid: 'description',
name: 'description',
content: 'Here comes the long meta description'

anchor text
structured data
local seo
What to do after changing things
- Monitor, monitor, monitor!
Resubmit changed pages via Google Search Console for quicker updates
Be patient - SEO changes often take time until results show up
- SEO is no rocket science
Vue.js and SEO can be a love story
Always monitor changes to catch mistakes, find chances to improve, etc.
The only two constants in SEO are
It's not a one-time thing
As in web dev, things change quickly and often

Thank you!

Bonus - Structured Data
- Help search engines to understand your content even better...
By providing an easily machine-readable format of your content
Best way: JSON-LD
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Blog",
"name": "",
"url": "",
"description": "A technical blog about Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Javascript, best practices, clean code and more!",
"publisher": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Alexander Lichter",
"logo": {
"@type": "imageObject",
"url": ""
"sameAs": [""],
"blogPosts": [/* ... */]

Effort: 🔶🔶🔶 - 🔶🔶🔶🔶