Let's Buy Something!


Count of Purchases

  • Average time to completion 4 business days

Time to Completion of Purchases

  • 59% are completed by the next day
  • Only two outlines that took over a month
  • Over $1.6 mill approved to spend
  • 298 approvals completed since April  (~5 months)
  • Average approval is for $5,600, Median $579

What Have We Bought?

Types of Purchases

Professional Services: (106) 36%

IT Purchases: (84) 28%

Membership / Subscriptions: (21) 7%

Admin: (32) 11%

Performance of The Medfield Anthology,

LED Streetlight Grant Disbursement,

TA for local policy work on Sugar Sweetened Beverages

Microsoft Teams Phone Conferencing. Slack subscription, AWS Hosting, Adobe Creative Cloud license

Rent, Earthworm paper recycling, UPS

Boston Globe, LinkedIn, InstaTrac





Let's Review

The Process Together

LEt's Choose aN

Over $1,500 Training

Choose Your Form

Fill and Submit

Formal Quote

You may just have an email or note to attach

Signing Submission

Links Sent by Email

Short Tangent About Outlook

Open Email, Click Link

Purchase Oder Over $1,500

Link Let's you Sign form webpage

However Does your Inbox Fill Up Quickly? 

Would Suggest CrEATING
Outlook Rules and Folders

More Info on setting up Outlook rules on  MAPC Remote Access

Now, Where Do They Go?

As requester you will also receive a copy of submission by email 

ok Now Know You

Can Buy

Whats next?...

We Had the Training

Now need to pay for training

Fill Out a Request to Pay form

Fill Out a Request to Pay form

Short approval, just manager.

Similar to initialing PO in past

When complete where does it land?

We can use SEAMLess DocS

For other things as well

See @jgee medium post about Boston

Approval Then Purchase

SEAMLess DocS Is Tool in Our Toolbox

Please Contribute email, slack

Take Aways