RPA Workshop
14 Dec 2022
There are many improvements to Trailmap, that could help make progress towards achieving the application's goals
Agencies and third parties can build maps and applications off of the database. We can prioritize the needs of users and creating features in applications that meet those needs.
Standards and open availability will help the dataset grow. Leveraging tools that help lower maintenance cost and broaden the community.
Like a houseplant to survive it needs to be watered. Regional Planning Agencies together can play a critical role in achieving a comprehensive and up-to-date dataset
Standards and availability will help dataset grow
Like a houseplant to survive it needs to be watered, in this case, we in GIS data (Regional planning?) world can share that responsibility and keep dynamic
While no site will have all features for all users, we can prioritize needs of users by supporting maps and applications developed on top of the database.
Comprehensive and up-to-date dataset of all trails and paths in MA
Resource for advocates to coordinate expansion of trails and paths in MA
A resource for residents to plan trips and activities on MA trails and paths
The best resource for residents to plan outdoor trips and activities on trials and paths
Resource for residents to build community around shared interest in trails and paths
A tool to share stories and experiences for outdoor activity on trails or paths
A tool to share stories and experiences for outdoor activity in parks
A tool to be presented with new opportunities related to trails and paths
A tool track trips and personal progress
A tool to share and compete with other to promote outdoor activity
Collaborative resource between gov & non profits to share updates to trails or paths
Resource to learn about public meetings for trails and paths
Resource to compare impact or ideas for future investment in trails and paths
A tool to measure, learn or rate the experience or difficulty of a trail/path/trip
MA Resource
for advocates
to coordinate expansion of trails and paths
Comprehensive and up-to-date MA dataset,
available to all,
of all trails and paths
MA resource
for residents
to plan trips / activities on trails & paths
Maintenance Cost?
Recent Annual Updates?
web services survive when cared for
Collaborative open source communities are relied on, to care for many of the key components that underpin the web's services
There are a number of tools that help facilitate collaboration
by lowering the cost of coordinating
Well one magic weapon that is available to support collaboration is track changes on steroids... git
Version control is key to quickly managing and resolving edits. It allows for lowered coordination costs and high value of return.
Another is agreements & licensing. Documenting and articulating governance is an important component to structuring a community.
Often we fill out forms to tell of edits.
How do we make more "Show...Not Tell"?
Editing Together
Example of Spatial Editing
Together as a community, we can maintain an up-to-date, comprehensive dataset of all trails and paths in MA
web services survive through a community of care
red is prior, green is change
it's all about the data
We have touched on the tools that allow for a community to collaborate & edit a dataset.
If data is open, standard, and available... new possibilities arise.
If open, standard, and available, additional parties can leverage the data to reach the residents and help them planning outdoor trips and activities
If open, standard, and available,
not just private parties would benefit if leveraged it could inform:
Blue = Predicted route to school bike/walk commutes
School Commute Infrastructure Planning
Comprehensive Plans
Network Analyisis
What is an API? It's a website a computer goes to, to get data
Data is important and valuable when available through a clean & understandable API
This is achieved by having a dataset not a website
Blue = Predicted route to school for students that walk
Size = Number of Students
My School Commute Infrastructure Planning
What about improving what users see... the "light fixtures".