
Samantha's back pack used when walking home through the woods and school

Samantha's character

She will be wearing a coat outside when walking home

She will be wearing the earphones when walking home, as I will be using diegetic music to create tension. The reason for this is that Samantha feels like someone is following her and keeps taking her headphones out to look around

Antagonist character

He will be wearing one of these masks to hide his identity and this helps to make him seem more creepy and suspicious

Gonna have my girl played really slowly, but not sure what this character will use to play this music yet

Battery powered tea lights are gonna be used in the dark lit room, as this creates Incidental light and allows little pieces of detail to be seen a lot better

Gonna have silhouettes of people who have been dealt with and crossed out with a red cross x4

We will see the only picture of Samantha smiling, giving connotations towards her being the next victim

A chair for him to sit on


I am gonna try and use lighting in the scenes that are filmed inside and the night scene that is filmed in the woods, this then will help to create a more sinister atmosphere of the trailer and shows more skills being used in my filming compared to AS. Lighting that will be used will help create emotions from each character, here are the main ones that I will use below:

Key light - its main function is to highlight the main object, this is included in a 3 point set up and these have a back light and one more light to focus on the subject

Fill light - this is used in a 3 point set up and helps to lessen contrast and shadows around the subject, by being placed at a different angle to the main key light is is often softer than the key light

Back light - placed behind the subject to illuminate it, creating a silhouette effect of the subject being separated from the background