Snowflake model of creativity - David Perkins

A strong commitment to a personal aesthetic

Creators have a high tolerance for complexity, disorganization and asymmetry. They also enjoy challenges of struggling through chaos and struggling towards a resolution and synthesis.


From the above statement I feel as though this is something that I wouldn't do as I hate chaos and taking risks when it comes to creating the best work that I can. Instead I go for the conventional approach for magazines, trailers and posters that might have already been done before. However, from using the threshold technique on the software Photoshop for my poster and magazine, this shows that I have gone for an unconventional approach and I have taken a risk in my work and this is something that I wouldn't always do. But I feel it would make my work look a lot better and different to everyone else's.

The ability to excel in finding problems

Scientists value good questions because they lead to discoveries and creative solutions, to good answers.


Even though I do find problems a lot in my work I always try and rectify them. To allow me to do the best that I can when creating something creative, I ask for advice from either my teachers or my peers, this allows me to understand exactly what needs editing through other people's eyes.

Mental Mobility

 Allows creative people to find new perspectives on and approaches to problems. Creative people have a strong tendency to think in opposites or contraries. They often think in metaphors and analogies and challenge assumptions as a matter of course.


From the above statement this is something that I wouldn't do, however I do try and think creatively and outside the box.

Risk taker

A willingness to take risks and the ability to accept failure as part of the creative quest. These people also exhibit the ability to learn from their failures. By working at the edge of their competence, where the possibility of failure lurks, mental risk-takers are more likely to produce creative results.


I feel as though sometimes I am a risk taker and sometimes my final piece that I create is creative, but this doesn't always happen all the time.

Seek Criticism


Creative people not only scrutinize and judge their ideas or projects, they also seek criticism. Objectivity involves more than luck or talent; it means putting aside your ego, seeking advice from trusted colleagues, testing and retesting your ideas. Personal objectivity and self-reflective behaviors, especially about work or creations, are very hard to carry off well and require folks to distance themselves and then look at themselves and their creations for a distance. Objectivity is something very hard to achieve.


From the above I hate criticism so this is definitely not me, but if I do get given it I then correct my mistakes and move on.

Inner Motivation



The last trait is that of inner motivation. Creators are involved in an enterprise for its own sake, not for school grades or paychecks. Their catalysts are the enjoyment, satisfaction, and the challenge inherent in the work itself.

From the above I definitely always try to work really hard and I often find the work itself very enjoyable and sometimes, not always, love a challenge.