Doing Science on Your Website
Mike Sherov
A: Head of Engineering / B: Head of Architecture
A: Behance Team / B: Adobe
Netflix tests everything. They're very proud that they A/B test interactions, offerings, pricing, everything. It's almost enough to get you to believe that rigorous testing is the key to success.
Except they didn't test the model of renting DVDs by mail for a monthly fee.
And they didn't test the model of having an innovative corporate culture.
And they didn't test the idea of betting the company on a switch to online delivery.
The three biggest assets of the company weren't tested, because they couldn't be.
Sure, go ahead and test what's testable. But the real victories come when you have the guts to launch the untestable.
- Seth Godin
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
- Not Henry Ford
User Research
Create A/B Test
Draw Conclusions
Validate Learnings & Clean Up
Given a change you'd like to make, note...
logged in only OR logged in / logged out?
Make sure you are measuring correctly!
Collect Observations
When a statistic is significant, it simply means that you are very sure that the statistic is reliable. It doesn't mean the finding is important or that it has any decision-making utility.
Achieve Statistical Significance
Two tailed T Tests
Ensure Rigor
Investigate Anomolies
Declare a winner, write your winning sentence
e.g. With a 95% confidence level there is a 10% increase in X given over 7 days world wide, and a 35% increase in the United States if the user did Y. This is if a user did Z at least while removing large outliers.
The absolute increase is from 0.92 to 1.24 per user in the USA, and 1.37 to 1.51 world wide
Lock it in!
What did you learn from the test?
Leave the code as it was