Output - A device that takes information from the computer and sends it out into the real world via an external device such as a printer.
Storage - A device that holds information ready to be processed at a later time.
3. An OS that allows only one user to use it but allows them to run multiple programs at the same time.
The aspect we will look at include:
Is your online life private?
Do you have control over what your social media account knows about you?
How can we take control?
Which company has successfully rebranded their tracking system into a good thing?
What happens to the environment when you buy a new phone?
What happens to the environment when you crack your screen?
Which is worse for the environment and why?
During the pandemic, what happened here in the UK?
In the UK, we have access to broadband in the majority of houses, these packages are mostly unlimited data.
What may have happened for people in other countries that can't access technology as freely as we can?
Hacking - Illegally accessing someones accounts to take their personal information or to impersonate them.
Trolling - Intentionally provoking or upsetting someone online
Doxing - Posting someone's personal information online without their consent
Research some effects of globalisation, try finding some examples of the disadvantages of it too, such as outsourcing jobs.
Write up your research in your exercise books.
You have 10 minutes!
Do we have the same amount of freedom in what we say online as we did before the internet existed?
Can you take back something you say online?
The rules that are put into place by an organisation to allow a user to log into their system.
What happens if the user breaks the AUP?