OmegaT - queries


Demo shows:

  • OmegaT's editor shows source and target
  • Something is unclear in the source text
  • User uses the query panel to send a query
    • OmegaT posts the query with all the metadata
  • The PM receives a notification and checks the query
    • The query page includes all details: project name, step, source text, target text, TA guideline, etc.
    • The query page links to the whole text (project page, containing at least the source text and potentially the current translation and the previous step translation).
  • The PM leaves a reply in the query
    • Not sure what is the best way to notify the user
  • The PM updates the TA guidelines in the project, for all users (all users will see the updated guideline on the fly):
    • Only feasible with team projects


OmegaT posts/puts the source version (and all metadata):

  • either the whole source text (all segments), or
  • one segment only


Stores the source version and

  • Produces hash value for it
  • Serves that hash value:
    • URL <domain>/project/source/hash (for the whole source text)
    • <domain>/project/segment/<num>/hash (for a specific segment)

OmegaT gets hash of local source text and compares it with remote hash.

  • If match, nothing is sent
  • If no remote hash or no match, then:

Translation tracker (1src)

  • First step, upon unpacking:
    • OmegaT compares hashes for whole source,
    • if new or changed, POSTs whole source version (all segments)
      • including segment numbers and metadata: IDs, other props, etc. -- all columns in excel export
    • The server stores text and produces hash value

For translation tasks

There are two options to send the target text:

  1. Send the whole target text (all segments) on packing
  2. Send each segment individually

Translation tracker (1tgt - A)

  • First step, upon packing (or upon unpacking on next step??):
    • OmegaT checks that the remote source is up to date, and it updates it (PUT) if it's not. Then:
    • OmegaT compares hashes for whole target,
    • if different, OmegaT POSTs target version (all segments)
      • including segment numbers, to link to the source version already stored
    • The server stores text and produces hash value
    • Both source and target version are now linked

For translation tasks

Translation tracker (1tgt - B)

  • First step, upong committing a segment:
    • OmegaT POSTs target version (current segment)
      • including segment number, to link to the source version already stored
    • The server stores text and produces hash value

For translation tasks

Write all this as a flow chart, with steps 1, 2 and n:

- diff

- QA

- queries

Translation tracker (PM)

  • After step 1, the PM can see a bilingual report containing the source and the first target version (2 columns).
  • After step 2 and onward, the PM can see a bilingual report with 3 columns (source, previous step target, and current target), with optional diff button.
  • That reports can be accessed from a dashboard, showing a list of all the versions (row per version) and all the steps (column per step)

For translation tasks