On Fair Division

With Binary Valuations


Social Networks

Neeldhara Misra and Debanuj Nayak

IIT Gandhinagar

Workshop on Computation & Economics

10th September 2022



Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over bundles of items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌










Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over bundles of items.

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \pi(a_i) \cap \pi(a_j) = \emptyset $$

No sharing...


$$ \bigcup_{a \in A} \pi(a) = R $$

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over bundles of items.

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} $$

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

0/1 Valuations

$$ \{0,1\} $$

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

Additive Valuations

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

For all subsets \( S \subseteq R \), \( \nu_\ell(S) = \sum_{o \in S} \nu_\ell(\{o\}) \).

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

If 🙋‍♀️ values the items 🍰 and 💐 at 1 each, then she values {🍰, 💐} at 2.

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😀 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

👀 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😬 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😠 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

 Agent a envies b in \( \pi \) if \( v_a(\pi(b)) > v_a(\pi(a)) \)

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: Make everyone happy. 🤔

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

 Agent a envies b in \( \pi \) if \( v_a(\pi(b)) > v_a(\pi(a)) \)

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: The allocation \( \pi \) creates no envy

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

 Agent a envies b in \( \pi \) if \( v_a(\pi(b)) > v_a(\pi(a)) \)

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: The allocation \( \pi \) creates no envy

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

 Agent a envies b in \( \pi \) if \( v_a(\pi(b)) > v_a(\pi(a)) \)

and a knows b.

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: The allocation \( \pi \) creates no envy

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

 Agent a envies b in \( \pi \) if \( v_a(\pi(b)) > v_a(\pi(a)) \)

and a knows b.

(between friends)

Fair Division

Distribute m items among n agents. 

Backdrop: Agents have preferences over items. 

Goal: Make everyone happy. 🙌


$$ \pi: A \rightarrow 2^R $$

Fair Division


Goal: The allocation \( \pi \) creates no envy

Compute an allocation

$$ \nu_\ell: 2^R \rightarrow $$

$$ \{0,1\} $$

😭 → {🍰,🍵}

😍 → {🍔,🍟,☕️}

 Agent a envies b in \( \pi \) if \( v_a(\pi(b)) > v_a(\pi(a)) \)

and a knows b.

(between friends)

and a social network on \( A \)

Fair Division via Social Comparison

AAMAS 2017

Rediet Abebe,
Jon M. Kleinberg, and David C. Parkes

Networked fairness in cake cutting

IJCAI 2017

Xiaohui Bei.

Youming Qiao, and Shengyu Zhang.

Preprint (2022)
Ganesh Ghalme, Xin Huang, Nidhi Rathi

Envy-Free Cake Cutting with Graph Constraints

 Local envy-freeness in house allocation problems.

AAMAS 2018

Aurélie Beynier, Yann Chevaleyre, Laurent Gourvès, Julien Lesca, Nicolas Maudet, and Anaëlle Wilczynski.

Envy-Free Allocations Respecting Social Networks
Journal of Artifical Intelligence, 2022


AAMAS 2018

Robert Bredereck,

Andrzej Kaczmarczyk,

and Rolf Niedermeier.


Parameterized Complexity of Envy-Free

Resource Allocation

in Social Networks

AAAI 2020

Eduard Eiben,
Robert Ganian,
Thekla Hamm,
and Sebastian Ordyniak

Preprint (2022)
Justin Payan, Rik Sengupta, Vignesh Viswanathan

Locally EFX Allocations Over a Graph

Survey (2021)


FPT Algorithm:

Solve the problem in time \(f(k)\cdot n^{O(1)}\), for some appropriate parameter \(k\).


Reduce the problem in time \(n^{O(1)}\),
to an equivalent instance whose size is bounded by \(f(k)\),
for some appropriate parameter \(k\).

XP Algorithm:

Solve the problem in time \(O^\star(n^{f(k)})\), for some appropriate parameter \(k\).

FPT Algorithm:

Solve the problem in time \(f(k)\cdot n^{O(1)}\), for some appropriate parameter \(k\).


Reduce the problem in time \(n^{O(1)}\),
to an equivalent instance whose size is bounded by \(f(k)\),
for some appropriate parameter \(k\).

XP Algorithm:

Solve the problem in time \(O^\star(n^{f(k)})\), for some appropriate parameter \(k\).

The art of parameterization


for real


for us

An example

Finding an efficient (PO) envy-free allocation is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the combined parameter (n+z)

for identical monotonic additive preferences.

  • n denotes the number of agents and

  • z is the number of different values that occur in the utility functions.

\(f_j := (u_1(r_j),u_2(r_j),...,u_n(r_j)).\)

Define the signature of a resource

to be a \(n\)-tuple that collects all the utilities that agents have for said resource.

#signatures ~ \(z^n\)

\(f  = (u_1(   ),u_2(   ), \ldots\)

\(f  = (u_1(   ),u_2(   ), \ldots\)

Objects with the same signature are indistinguishable.

For each agent \(a_i \in A\) and each fingerprint \(f\):


\(x_f^i\) → #of resources

with fingerprint \(f\)

allocated to agent i.

\(\forall 1 \leq p \leq n, 1 \leq q \leq n:\)

\(\sum_{f \in F} x_p^f \cdot f[p] \geq \sum_{f \in F} x_{q}^f \cdot f[p]\)

Parameters for Resource Allocation

number of agents

number of items

number of agent types

number of item types

max utility

#distinct utilities

graph parameters (e.g, vertex cover, treewidth, etc.)

domain parameters (e.g, rank/sparsity/etc. of the utility matrix)

Recap: the parameterized paradigm

Parameterized complexity: acknowledge the presence of additional structure, which manifests as a secondary measurement a parameter.

Design algorithms that restrict the combinatorial explosion
to a function of the parameter.

Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
complete and locally envy-free allocation.



(even when valuations are binary

and the graph is complete).

Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
complete and locally envy-free allocation.


even when valuations are binary and identical.*

*for connected graphs

Directed Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
complete and locally envy-free allocation.


(even when valuations are binary and identical).


Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
complete and locally envy-free allocation.


even when valuations are binary and nearly identical.

Directed Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.


if the social network is a DAG


Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.


even if the social network is a path

Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.


even if* the social network is a star

*general utilities


Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.


parameterized by the vertex cover number for 0/1 utilities

Complete Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.

parameterized by #goods or #agents


Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.

parameterized by #goods or #agents

Undirected Graphs

Goal: Determine the existence of a
efficient and locally envy-free allocation.

parameterized by #goods or #agents


Localized notions of envy...

are a natural and less restrictive model.


undirected graphs


directed graphs

some contrasts, some similarities...


Reductions: a framework for showing hardness








Recipe for solving

well-known annoying problem (e.g, SAT)

via any hypothetical algorithm (A) for solving problem X:

Step 2. Run the algorithm A on q. Output → o 

Step 3. Return o. Profit. 💸


Step 1. Reduce instance of SAT to instance of X ↔ q


Cutting \( \ell \) vertices

Given a graph \( G \), partition its vertex set into three parts: \( (X \cup S \cup Y) \) so that:

a) \( |S| \leq k \)

b) \( |X| = \ell \)

c) There are no edges between \( X \) and \( Y \).

\( \Downarrow \)

\( G \)

\( S \)

\( Y \)

\( X \)

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent

...based on the structure of the graph \( G \)

\( \ell \) coveted items

...liked by all agents.

\( n - \ell + 1 \) greedy items

...liked by all greedy agents and the trigger agent.

\( \ell + k \) happy items

...liked by all happy agents.

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent

...based on the structure of the graph \( G \)

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent

n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent








n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent








n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent








n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


Are any of the happy agents jealous?







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


They don't envy the 😀-agents, since they don't value the     good.







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


Some of them will envy the agents who got the coveted goods     .







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


Some of them will envy the agents who got the coveted goods     .







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


Agents in \( X \cup S \) will envy the agents who got the coveted goods     .







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


Agents in \( X \cup S \) will envy the agents who got the coveted goods     .







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent


Agents in \( X \cup S \) will envy the agents who got the coveted goods     .







n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent
















n happy agents

n greedy agents

one trigger agent





















undirected graphs


directed graphs

some contrasts, some similarities...


future work

Open problems

Is the problem of finding efficient and locally envy-free allocations in XP when parameterized by the vertex cover of the underlying social network?


Note that whenever existence is guaranteed with respect to complete graphs, it is also guaranteed with respect to any social network.


Our study focused completely on 0/1 valuations. More general valuations, including chores, would be interesting to study further!