October 31, 2022 to November 5, 2022
Context + Origin story
End of high school
Love science
2nd, 3rd year of UG
Final year of UG
Don't care
Final year of UG
Job for the next five years
Switch to a higher salary
MBA, IAS, MS, etc.
Don't care
Don't care
Final year of UG
Job for the next five years
Switch to a higher salary
MBA, IAS, MS, etc.
Don't care
Don't care
This is fine!
- Desperate to get a letter of recommendation
- Want to engage in multiple projects so that it looks "good" on CVs
Have no idea about research
Quick question
What % of students in a batch choose to pursue research on avg
- Course webpage:
Everything is on that page.
- Let us know if you spot any inconsistencies:
Use the discord server
- If you haven't registered, that's fine! Tell your friends, get them to sit in. We value your feedback.
- Introspective: gets you to deliberate on multiple factors:
- separate romantic notion of doing research vs. realities of it
- get a real sense for where you are in this journey and a direction you need to head in to get more out of it.
- Will only shows you a rough path. You have to instantiate things to fit your constraints.
3 Sections
2 modules in each section
You tell us
None of these mean that there's something lacking in you.
Totally fine!
Take your coursework seriously. Best place to start your journey
Some topics will stick and some won't: that's fine
Goal: get a good understanding of breadth of topics, and poke a few to go deeper
Move from a romantic notion of a subject to a concrete one
Catch: Might be hard
Move from a romantic notion of a subject to a concrete one