24 Nov 2024 · DSA Endsem

Please do not use any electronic devices during the exam.

Please do not discuss during the exam.

The exam starts at 2.15 and finishes at 4.15

Closed book/notes. 

Remember to write your roll number on ALL PAGES.

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet provided.

You can take the question paper back with you.

Problem 4. the weight of the RU edge is 1.

Problem 5c. please change 1(c) to 5(b).

Problem 6. Work with the given topological sorts.

Problem 3, 4. In case of tie-breaks,
use lexicographic tie-breaking (dictionary order).

Problem 5,6. weights are positive.

If \(x < y\) then \(x \leqslant y\).

7 Nov 2024 · DSA Midsem Reloaded

Please do not use any electronic devices during the exam.

Please do not discuss during the exam.

The exam starts at 5.15 and finishes at 6.25

Closed book/notes. 

Problem 4. The graph is undirected.

Remember to write your roll number on ALL PAGES.

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet provided.
Please leave all sheets at your desk at 6.25 and leave the room.

Problem 1i and 1j. The matchings are over the a common instance. 

Problem 3b. Retain all edges in the graph, not only those that are bidirectional.

Problem 1f. The complete graph has all \({n \choose 2}\) edges.

1 Oct 2024 · DSA Midsem

Open book/notes. 

Remember to write your roll number on
ALL PAGES, and DO NOT remove the staple.

Open book/notes. 

Please do not use any electronic devices during the exam.

Please do not discuss during the exam.

The exam starts at 9.15 and finishes at 10.45;
solutions will be posted to Google classroom later.

Remember to write your roll number on
ALL PAGES, and DO NOT remove the staple.

Q2b. What is a sufficient condition...

28 Sep 2024 · FAI Quiz

Problem 2. Replace E, F, G with F, G, H

Left is counter-clockwise, right is clockwise

05 Sep 2024 · FAI Quiz

Open book/notes. 

Please do not use any electronic devices during the quiz.

Please do not discuss during the quiz.

The quiz starts at 11.40 and finishes at 12.40; solutions will be discussed briefly & posted to Google classroom later.

Remember to write your roll number on
ALL PAGES, and DO NOT remove the staple.

In the Lata/Raj game, if a RBR and BRB are both created on the same move, then Lata wins (tie-break in favor of first player).

The 3-consistency checks in 2(b) and 2(c) are performed after
the domain reductions in Q2(a).

Q2(d) to be read as \(b_3 = 6\) and \(r_3 = 2\).

22 Aug 2024 · FAI Quiz

Open book/notes/slides.

*can use electronic devices exclusively for this. If used for anything else, will be reported as a violation of the honor code.

Please do not discuss during the quiz.

The quiz starts at 11.40 and finishes at 12.40.

Solutions will be discussed briefly & posted to Google classroom later.

Remember to write your roll number on
ALL PAGES, and DO NOT remove the staple.

Q1(a) and Q1(b): when we say any configuration \(C\), we mean
any configuration that can be solved with the given sequence of pokes.

Q1: we use \(D\) to describe all possible game states.

Our convention is that a state is a subset of locations that are alive.

Q1, all parts: assume a 2 x 2 grid.

Q3, at the root, it is the MAX player's turn.
Also, don't refer to my slides for this! 👀

Q2, for alpha-beta pruning: assume order of evaluation is left-to-right,

i.e, B - C - D.

Q2(d) is asking for permutations of 7, 15, 1.