Web3Privacy Summit 2, Prague 2024
Cypherpunks were involved in the development and promotion of various cryptographic tools:
What do we achieve after this time:
Clash of centralized and decentralized paradigm:
They want to WARN the public, that cryptocurrency is unsafe. It's used by drug dealers, terrorists and scammers. We need a red flag waving person everywhere it goes.... just like 1865!
1. KYC purchases
2. Crypto tax declarations
3. Properties and visible wealth in the physical world
4. Excessive consumption (and excessive carbon footprint)
1. Avoid all KYC purchases and use decentralized non-KYC exchanges (vexl.it, bisq, ..)
2. Avoid crypto legal tax declarations (become a resident of a territorial taxation country or live from crypto loans)
3. Stay low profile - buy the properties on anonymous companies (it's still possible), keep minimal fiat on your bank accounts
4. Get a second citizenship/residency that cannot be associated with your banking/fiat history, your carbon footprint
This means a total decomposition of all government secret agencies and government "classified" agencies-> covert agents may be significantly economically motivated to earn anonymous money and anonymously leak sensitive information.
The future is a decentralized peer-to-peer society
The government will start to have really difficult times