The 5th Bangkok Workshop on Discrete Geometry, Dynamics and Statistics
24 Jan 2023
pc: Reuters
String of \(n\) bits
Output distribution over \(2^n\) bitstrings \(p({\bf x}) = p_{\bf x}\)
String of \(n\) qubits
Output distribution over \(2^n\) bitstrings \(p({\bf x}) = p_{\bf x}\)
Output distribution over \(2^n\) bitstrings \(p({\bf x}) = p_{\bf x}\)
The result of the coin flips are just hidden bitstrings that can be included as extra inputs
Strong simulation
Weak simulation
Can compute \(p_{\bf x}\)
Can sample from \(p\)
In practice, there need to be some notions of errors
In this talk, I will use these definitions of strong and weak simulation unless stated otherwise
Relative error
Additive error
Given \(|\psi\rangle, \{U_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha}\)
If the RHS task is #P-hard, then \(\mathcal{C}^{\mathrm{NP}}\) would be able to solve a #P-hard problem, which we believe to be impossible
Classical sampler \(\mathcal{C}\)
Anti-concentration of \(p_{\bf x}(U_{\alpha})\)
Ability to approximately compute \(p_{\bf 0} = |\langle {\bf 0}|U_{\alpha}|\psi\rangle|^2\) for most \(U_{\alpha}\)
To turn relative error to additive error, we need most probabilities to be large
\(l^2\)-distance to the uniform distribution:
\(\Vert p-p_{\mathrm{unif}}\Vert^2 = Z - \displaystyle{\frac{1}{2^n}} = Z-Z_{\mathrm{unif}}\)
\(p_{\bf{x}}(U)\) anti-concentrates if
Implies \(\Pr\left(p_{{\bf x}} \ge \displaystyle{\frac{\beta}{2^n}}\right) \ge \alpha(1-\beta)^2 \) via the Paley-Zygmund inequality
Modified from Dalzell et al., PRX Quantum 2022
Worst-case hardness of approximately computing \(p_{\bf 0}(U_{\alpha})\)
Worst-to-average-case reduction
Hardness of approximately computing \(p_{\bf 0}(U_{\alpha})\) for most \(U_{\alpha}\)
Easy to argue based on existing results in quantum computing
Rio Grande, 2017
Identify computational basis states with occupation number states
\(f_j^{\dagger}\) creates a fermion at site \(j\)
Pauli exclusion
cf. Dirac's gamma matrices
\(Z\!\otimes\! Z\) interaction is not FLO
FLO Hamiltonians are quadratic
Even parity
Odd parity
FLO gates AKA Matchgates
(Valiant, SIAM J Comput 2002)
Classical sampler \(\mathcal{C}\)
Ability to approximately compute \(p_{\bf 0} = |\langle {\bf 0}|V_{\mathrm{FLO}}|{\bf 0}\rangle|^2\) for most \(V_{\mathrm{FLO}}\)
This is easy!
Generators of rotations SO(\(2n\))
(Defining representation)
Manipulating \(2n\times 2n\) matrices instead of \(2^n\times 2^n\) matrices!
\(\rho = (|0\rangle\langle 0|)^{\otimes n}\) is a fermionic Gaussian state
Sum of projectors onto irreps by Schur's lemma under nice conditions
For example,
Then use combinatorics to bound the RHS
First idea: truncated exponential path
Movassage 2019
Truncation gives rise to a non-unitary operator
Better idea: Cayley path
Quantum advantage scheme | Robustness of avg-case hardness (additive error) |
Anti-concentration |
Boson Sampling | ||
Random circuit sampling (Google layout) | ||
Fermion Sampling |
Bouland et al., FOCS 2021
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