The 26th International Annual Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering
20 Jul 2023
The Institute for Fundamental Study (IF)
Naresuan University
PC: Google Quantum AI
String of \(n\) bits
Output distribution over \(2^n\) bitstrings \(p({\bf x}) = p_{\bf x}\)
String of \(n\) qubits
Output distribution over \(2^n\) bitstrings \(p({\bf x}) = p_{\bf x}\)
Output distribution over \(2^n\) bitstrings \(p({\bf x}) = p_{\bf x}\)
The result of the coin flips are just hidden bitstrings that can be included as extra inputs
Strong simulation
Weak simulation
Can compute \(p_{\bf x}\)
Can sample from \(p\)
In practice, there need to be some notions of errors
In this talk, I will use these definitions of strong and weak simulation unless stated otherwise
Relative error
Additive error
Boson sampling
Commuting circuit sampling
Random circuit sampling (RCS)
Instantaneous quantum polynomial (IQP)
Aaronson and Arkhipov, STOC'11
Bremner et al., Proc. R. Soc. A (2011)
Bremner et al., PRL (2016)
Boixo et al., Nat. Phys. (2018)
Bouland et al., Nat. Phys. (2018)
Quantum simulators
Translation-invariant Hamiltonians
Bermejo-Vega et al., PRX (2018)
Haferkamp et al., PRL (2020)
Novo et al., Quantum (2021)
Energy measurement
P: problems solvable in polynomial time
NP: problems checkable in polynomial time
#P: counting the number of solutions to an NP problem
BQP: problems solvable in polynomial time on a quantum computer
Given \(|\psi\rangle, \{U_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha}\)
Classical sampler \(\mathcal{C}\) for all \(U_{\alpha}\)
Weak simulation
Strong simulation
Anti-concentration of \(p_{\bf 0}(U_{\alpha})\)
Ability to approximately compute \(p_{\bf 0} = |\langle {\bf 0}|U_{\alpha}|\psi\rangle|^2\) for most \(U_{\alpha}\)
Collapse of the polynomial hierarchy if the RHS is a #P-hard problem
To turn relative error to additive error, we need most probabilities to be large
Worst-case hardness of approximately computing \(p_{\bf 0}(U_{\alpha})\)
Worst-to-average-case reduction
Hardness of approximately computing \(p_{\bf 0}(U_{\alpha})\) for most \(U_{\alpha}\)
Easy to argue based on existing results in quantum computing
Time-dependent Hamiltonian with a periodic driving
Floquet operator
Floquet Hamiltonian
Multiple periods \(M\) of evolutions until thermalize
External drive
External drive
In what sense a closed quantum system thermalize?
Subsystem thermalization
Floquet eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH)
Observables' statistics are well described by a unitary matrix randomly drawn from the circular orthogonal ensemble
Time-reversal symmetry
Commuting quantum circuit
We show
Kim et al., PRE (2014)
Lazarides et al., PRE (2014)
Mori et al., PRL (2016)
Even parity
Odd parity
FLO gates AKA Matchgates
(Valiant, SIAM J Comput 2002)
Classical sampler \(\mathcal{C}\)
Ability to approximately compute \(p_{\bf 0} = |\langle {\bf 0}|V_{\mathrm{FLO}}|{\bf 0}\rangle|^2\) for most \(V_{\mathrm{FLO}}\)
This is easy!
Free-fermionic evolution
We analytically show both anti-concentration and average-case hardness, the two ingredients needed in the proof of sampling quantum advantage
Cerezo et al., Nat. Rev. Phys. (2021)
* Semi-informed personal opinion
Provable quantum advantage, or weaker one (advantageous compared to existing classical algorithms e.g. exponential speedup by Shor's algorithm)
Tent Rock National Monument 2017
50-100 qubits
Fault-tolerant, universal quantum computing
Gil Kalai, modified from Devoret and Schoelkpf, Science (2013)
Noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices
Commercially-relevant applications, unambiguous quantum advantage
10 years?
Quantum chemistry simulation
Modified from Bremner, QIP2018
Immanuel Bloch's group
Quantum simulations are natural, useful, and appear to be hard for classical computers.
Choi et al., Sci. 2016 uses cold atoms in optical lattices to compute many-body localization transition in 2D, which cannot be efficiently done with existing numerical techniques
But are they provably hard?
Identify computational basis states with occupation number states
\(f_j^{\dagger}\) creates a fermion at site \(j\)
Pauli exclusion
cf. Dirac's gamma matrices
\(Z\!\otimes\! Z\) interaction is not FLO
FLO Hamiltonians are quadratic
Generators of rotations SO(\(2n\))
(Defining representation)
Manipulating \(2n\times 2n\) matrices instead of \(2^n\times 2^n\) matrices!
\(\rho = (|0\rangle\langle 0|)^{\otimes n}\) is a fermionic Gaussian state
\(l^2\)-distance to the uniform distribution:
\(\Vert p-p_{\mathrm{unif}}\Vert^2 = Z - \displaystyle{\frac{1}{2^n}} = Z-Z_{\mathrm{unif}}\)
\(p_{\bf{x}}(U)\) anti-concentrates if
Implies \(\Pr\left(p_{{\bf x}} \ge \displaystyle{\frac{\beta}{2^n}}\right) \ge \alpha(1-\beta)^2 \) via the Paley-Zygmund inequality
Modified from Dalzell et al., PRX Quantum 2022
Sum of projectors onto irreps by Schur's lemma under nice conditions
First idea: truncated exponential path
Movassage 2019
Truncation gives rise to a non-unitary operator
Better idea: Cayley path
Quantum advantage scheme | Robustness of avg-case hardness (additive error) |
Anti-concentration |
Boson Sampling | ||
Random circuit sampling (Google layout) | ||
Fermion Sampling |
Bouland et al., FOCS 2021